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Book repair
Lucy Crews <>
Mon, 2 Nov 2009 15:07:10 -0500
Please forward this question to your preservationist. I didn't want to
join the preservation listserv for just one question.
Thank you.
Question: I need to purchase new super (spine) cloth for my preservation
work. I have checked the suppliers : Gaylord, Demco, Hollinger,
Bookmakers International, Brodart, and University Products Archival and
mainly see the mesh type of super, which is an open weave. Also, mainly
the super is sold in 30" by 36" sheets. The super I did have was in a
roll of 50 yards.
Can anyone give me another supplier to check for super cloth ? Also,
have any of you started just using a cotton muslin ? I saw this on
someone's book repair website.
Thank you for any assistance.
Lucy A. Crews
Head of Library Technical Services
Grafton Library
Mary Baldwin College
Staunton, Virginia 24401
Ph : 540-887-7088
Fax : 540-887-7297
Access, Service, Knowledge : ASK@Grafton Library