Checking in print plus online subscriptions Jill Tarabula 05 Oct 2009 14:56 UTC


We have three FT and one PT staff who continue to check in print journals
and microfilm for six libraries on two campuses; however we have made a
concerted effort to move our health sciences titles to online only if
available and financially feasible (less than or equal to cost of print or
print + online).  One of the major stipulations that must be present within
our license agreement to go online only on a title is perpetual access.  If
they can't provide it, we won't drop print.

For all of our libraries, we continue to bind what we have in print and
claim as we encounter missing issues, but we do bind incomplete as well.
This goes for all subscriptions (print only and print + online).  Our health
sciences library won't pay for replacement issues, so if I can find it on
Backmed or in the Missing Copy Bank, I get it that way, otherwise we go
without.  The other libraries will pay for some replacement through

Just my two cents...hope it helps-

Jill Tarabula
Assistant Librarian
SUNY Buffalo
134 Lockwood Library
Buffalo, NY 14260