Reminder: NASIG 25th Annual Conference in 2010 - Palm Springs, CA publicist 22 Sep 2009 16:30 UTC

North American Serials Interest Group 25th Annual Conference
An Oasis in Shifting Sands: NASIG at 25
June 3-6, 2010
Palm Springs, California

There is still time to submit proposals and ideas for the
NASIG 2010 Conference before the fist call closes this
Friday, September 25, 2009. Inquiries may be sent to the PPC
co-chairs, Morag Boyd and Anne Mitchell at:

The 2010 Program Planning Committee (PPC) invites proposals
and/or program ideas for pre-conference, vision, strategy,
and tactics sessions. The Program Planners are interested in
hearing from publishers, vendors, librarians, and others in
the field of serials and electronic resources about issues
relating to scholarly communication, publishing, licensing,
and cataloging.

To propose a program or idea or for more information, please
use the online form:

We look forward to seeing you in Palm Springs!

- Morag Boyd and Anne Mitchell NASIG PPC Co-Chairs

Morag Boyd
Acting Head, Special Collections Cataloging
The Ohio State University Libraries
(614) 247-8622

Marilyn M. Carney
Publicist, NASIG, Inc.