Relocation of periodicals collection Bill Maravetz 01 Sep 2009 18:04 UTC

I am writing on behalf of a task force within our library that has been
charged with determining the advantages, disadvantages and feasibility
of merging our Current Periodicals collection (unbound periodical
issues) with our Bound Periodicals collection. We subscribe to
approximately 2000 periodical titles. In our current arrangement,
incoming loose issues are shelved in LC call number order in a separate
Current Periodicals area. When sufficient issues accumulate for
individual titles, the issues are pulled and sent for binding. Upon
return, the bound volumes are shelved in LC call number order in a
separate Bound Periodicals area. The Current Periodicals area and the
Bound Periodicals area are located on the same floor of our building. As
mentioned above, we are looking at the possibility of moving our loose
periodical issues to the shelves alongside the corresponding bound
issues. We would like to know if other libraries have contemplated or
have undertaken a similar rearrangement of periodical titles. If so,
would you be willing to comment on the overall advantages/disadvantages
of rearrangement? Do you store loose issues upright or flat? What do you
use to contain the loose issues? Are you still binding loose issues? If
you have been involved in a similar rearrangement of periodicals, do you
have any “wish I’d done this” insights into the whole process?

I know similar topics have been addressed on SERIALST before, but we
would be happy to receive any new thoughts or ideas you have to share on
the process of periodical rearrangement. Feel free to send all replies
to me off-list.

Thank you for your assistance.

Bill Maravetz
Technical Services / Rod Library
University of Northern Iowa
1227 W. 27th Street
Cedar Falls, IA 50613-3675
Ph: 319-273-2339
Fax: 319-273-2870