Re: Alternative to EBSCO? Ian Woodward 25 Aug 2009 21:07 UTC

Harrassowitz has done good work for us.  We also make use of Central
News Agency for titles published in India because they seem to
understand best how to get things done in the Indian business
environment.  EBSCO gets the bulk of our business.  We set up our
account with Harrassowitz initially because you could purchase some
titles from them without service charges.  That deal is no longer
available, but the performance of Harrassowitz is quite good and I
prefer to have regular business with two companies.  Prior to my
coming here we had made use of Faxon; there was a change in ownership
there and my supervisor thought it advisable to get out of Dodge, but
there were transition costs to setting up with Ebsco de novo.  If you
make use of two agencies and one goes into Chapter 7 (as I recall a
subsequent owner of Faxon did) you can move the titles over
seamlessly.  We did discover last year that Ebsco had been unable to
come to an agreement that suited them with the American Economic
Association and the University of Illinois Press, but Harrassowitz was
still doing business with these publishers, so we were able to
transfer the subscriptions in question (< 1% of our titles) without
trouble.  IW

On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 12:02 PM, Lopez, Renee<> wrote:
> Hi,
> Our library is thinking of trying to find another vendor for magazine
> subscriptions if EBSCO does not carry what we are looking for. Does anyone
> have any suggestions for other subscription services?
> Thanks!
> Renee Lopez
> Serials Manager
> Academy of Art University Library
> 180 New Montgomery Street, 6th Floor
> San Francisco, Ca 94105
> Phone: 415-618-3843  Fax: 415-618-3981
> Email:
> Website:

I. Woodward
Serials Desk
Colgate University Libraries
Case Library and Geyer Center for Information Technology
13 Oak Drive
Hamilton, N.Y. 13346

Ph.:   315-228-7306
Fax:   315-228-7934

I haven't gone anywhere.  I'm employed.  -  Joe DiMaggio  [att.]