Re: Musical Quarterly Anne McCaffrey 07 Apr 2009 15:28 UTC

Hello Marguerite,

Our latest word via Ebsco's Renewal Invoice is that it is still having delayed publication.

Anne McCaffrey
Advanced Senior Library Assistant
Library/Technical Services
extension 5024
fax 3374
>>> "Buck, Marguerite" <mbuck@IMMACULATA.EDU> 04/07/09 11:24 AM >>>
Has anyone else had difficulty getting a Musical Quarterly subscription. We missed the last 3 years due to subscription agent error. Our invoice stated "will order when current". They even returned a payment. I realize now that I should have been more vigilant and checked myself.

Marguerite Buck
Serials/Reference Librarian
Gabriele Library
Immaculata University
Immaculata, PA 19345<>
(610)647-4400, ext. 3833