We've had the same problems with various versions of Adobe. We have
usually been successful at solving the problem in FireFox by changing
the preferences in the browser so that it uses the reader itself instead
of the plug-in to open the document. This is set in Tools --> Options
--> Applications. IE is another problem entirely. ;-)
Michael A. Edwards
Serials & Electronic Resources Librarian
Harold F. Johnson Library Center
Hampshire College
Amherst, MA 01002-3372
413.559.5766 voice
413.559.5419 fax
One man's theology is another man's belly laugh.
-- Robert A. Heinlein
Sharlene LaForge wrote:
> Is anyone having problems opening PDF's in "some" databases via IE7
> after upgrading to Adobe 9? Our biggest problem is with Science
> Direct where instead of the PDF loading, the ActiveX security bar pops
> up, we click on the option to download the PDF and a Blank screen
> displays.
> I've sent the problem to Science Direct, but was also wondering if it
> might be our settings.
> Thanks for any input you can provide
> Sharlene LaForge
> California State University
> Long Beach Library