"Electronic Serials: Getting Them and Keeping Them" : April 24, 2009 Deberah England 01 Apr 2009 19:39 UTC

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/*"Electronic Serials: Getting Them and Keeping Them"

*TEDSIG Spring Meeting
Friday, April 24, 2009
9:30 am - 4:00 pm
The Conference Center at OCLC, 6600 Kilgour Place, Dublin, OH 43017

The Technical, Electronic and Digital Services Interest Group (TEDSIG)
of the Academic Library Association of Ohio (ALAO) will hold its annual
Spring Workshop on April 24, 2009, 9:30 am - 4:00 pm.  Our theme is
"Electronic Serials: Getting Them and Keeping Them."  The event will be
held at OCLC in Dublin, Ohio.

Our featured speaker will be *Regina Romano Reynolds,* ISSN Coordinator,
Library of Congress.

We will also convene a panel of Ohio academic librarians who deal with
e-serials issues:

Susan Banoun, Cataloging Unit, Head, in the Serials and Electronic
Resource Dept, University of Cincinnati
Barbara Dunham, Electronic Resources Librarian, The Ohio State University
Deberah England, Electronic Resources Librarian, Wright State University
Yuezeng Shen, Head of Cataloging, Cleveland State University.

The workshop will close with a question-and-answer session with our
panelists and Ms. Reynolds. The workshop is cosponsored by the NASIG
Continuing Education Committee.

*/Please see presenters? bios and  program details below the
registration form.

/*A buffet lunch will be provided.

For driving directions to OCLC see:
Questions?  Email: strader.2@osu.edu <file:///strader.2@osu.edu>_ _
Phone: 614-688-8091

To register, complete the form below and mail form with payment as


*TEDSIG Spring Meeting - 2009 Registration Form
Electronic Serials: Getting Them and Keeping Them
*Please complete this form and return it with your payment to the
address below before */April 13, 2009.

/*Rocki Strader
Cataloging Dept.
The Ohio State University Libraries
610 Ackerman Rd., Rm 5769
Columbus, OH  43202

Registration fee includes parking and buffet lunch.

$35.00            Nonmember rate
$25.00            ALAO or NASIG member
$25.00            Library school students, retirees

/Make checks payable to:/ *Academic Library Association of Ohio

*Name ________________________________________________________________
Institution or Library School ______________________________________________
Address ______________________________________________________________
Phone ___________________________________
E-mail ___________________________________
Amount enclosed __$_________________________

*/This program is sponsored by ALAO's Technical, Electronic, and Digital
Services Interest Group with generous co-sponsorship from the North
American Serials Interest Group.

_**_/Regina Romano Reynolds
Regina Romano Reynolds is ISSN Coordinator at the Library of Congress
and former head of the National Serials Data Program, now called the
U.S. ISSN Center.  She has been trying to tame various e-serials beasts
since the late 1980?s when they first began to seek ISSN.  She co-chairs
an internal LC group coordinating the development of projects related to
the recommendations of LC?s Working Group on the Future of Bibliographic
Control and is a member of the U.S. National Libraries RDA Test Steering
Committee. Reynolds was the 1999 recipient of the Bowker/Ulrichs Serials
Librarian Award and 2004 winner of NASIG?s Marcia Tuttle International
Grant. Reynolds has an A.M.L.S. (Beta Phi Mu) from the University of

*Taming the E-Serials Beast:  Challenges and Solutions
Serials have been crucial in the chain of scholarly communication since
at least 1665 when the first scholarly journals were published.  And,
for all of that time they have been presenting challenges as well: their
title changes, numbering peculiarities, mergers, splits, supplements,
translations, serials within series within serials, and other beastly
behaviors have caused serialists to take refuge in organizations like
CONSER and NASIG where they at least can share the misery--and the mystique!

These challenges pale in comparison to the emergence in the 1980?s of
online serials­ really scary beasts the likes of which had never been
seen before. This presentation will briefly review the development of
e-serials and how some of the early challenges were met. The main focus
will be on several of the most pressing challenges that e-serials
present in the area of bibliographic control, together with existing or
emerging solutions. Many of the solutions are based on librarians
interacting with others in the serials supply chain--especially
publishers and aggregators--to help tame this new beast.

*Topics to be covered:
*Past challenges: a brief review of the development of e-serials and how
early challenges were met.

Current challenges: including the presentation of bibliographic
information on e-serials:  development of a possible NISO best practice;
the problems caused by earlier titles being listed in aggregations under
the current title: development of a possible NISO best practice;
?multiple versions? (issues such as how many records? single vs.
multiple records; Linking ISSN; xISSN; will FRBR help?). Also: KBART and
OpenURL; and transfer of serials and aggregations from one publisher to
another (Project Transfer).

Future challenges: the presentation will conclude with some personal
reflections on the future of serials and their bibliographic control.

*/_Susan Merrill Banoun
Susan is the Cataloging Unit Head for the Serials and Electronic
Resources Department at the University of Cincinnati (since 2005). She
is responsible for cataloging serials in all formats, cataloging and
managing electronic resources including record loads.  Previously she
worked as a cataloger at the Health Sciences Library at UC, and at the
Campbell County (Kentucky) Public Library, doing cataloging, selection,
acquisitions, and even some reference desk duties. Susan graduated from
The Ohio State University with a BS in Education, and she has a MSLS
from the University of Kentucky.

*Catch a Tiger by its Tail?: The Challenges of Cataloging Electronic
*What to catalog, when to catalog, and how to catalog electronic
resources? The traditional methods of acquiring and cataloging print
materials, and the tools we use, the what, when, how? for description
and access have always been fairly straight forward. Electronic
resources are a whole different animal and do not neatly fit in with the
traditional processes, tools, systems and methods for cataloging. From
using full MARC 21 records in the library catalog, to using vendor MARC
records, alone or with coverage loads and an ERM system, description and
access is changing drastically. Some of the challenges and opportunities
we are managing at the University of Cincinnati will be shared with a
focus on trying to make good choices that will best benefit users in
finding information.

*/_Barbara S. Dunham
Barbara Dunham is the Serials & Electronic Resources Librarian at The
Ohio State University.  She is responsible for the acquisition of print
and electronic continuations as well as the management, licensing, and
access of electronic resources.  Prior to becoming the Serials &
Electronic Resources Librarian, she held positions as Catalog
Coordinator for Western Languages and Serials Cataloger at Ohio State.
She is an active member of the American Society for Information Science
& Technology (ASIS&T) and is currently Past-Chair of the Central Ohio
Chapter of ASIS&T.  Barbara holds an M.L.I.S. from Kent State University
and an M.A.T. from Indiana University in Biology.

*E-Serials Are Like Herding Cats
*Since the advent of the electronic serials, the management and access
of them soon became a common topic.  While processes have evolved to
help with these issues, the management and access of them still remain
as challenges.  The Ohio State University Libraries face these issues
daily just as other institutions do.  This presentation discusses some
of the challenges faced by the Libraries and ways of handling them.

*/_Deberah England
Deberah England is the Electronic Resources Librarian at Wright State
University.  In this position she is responsible for acquiring,
licensing, troubleshooting, and managing the Libraries' e-resources.
With over fifteen years experience working with serials and e-resources,
Deberah has published, lectured at university classes, and presented on
the topics of serials and e-resources at national and regional
conferences and workshops.

*Welcome to the jungle: e-beasts and the quest to cage them
*PAMS, knowledge bases and third-party hosts are just a few of the
e-beasts in the e-resources supply chain jungle.  Meet the rest of the
beasts and learn about some ?big-game? initiatives to manage them.
_Yuezeng Shen
Yuezeng Shen is Head of Cataloging, Cleveland State University. She
previously worked as Catalog Librarian/Authority Control at Colonial
Williamsburg Foundation Library and as Librarian at NASA Lewis Research
Center Library. She received her MLS from SUNY-Albany.

*Electronic Serials: Collaborative Management Across Departments
*Cleveland State University Library does not have a dedicated position
for electronic resources management. Rather, librarians, staff and
student assistants from Acquisition, Cataloging, and Automation engage
in the collaborative development of e-serials management, using a
traditional ILS with separate access to electronic journal articles,
archival collections, image collections, etc. E-resources management
impacts the work in different units in the library. Our responsibilities
in library services in general are changing because of technological
advancements. Our usage statistics indicate that our current model is
effective even with its limitations, such as inconvenience with multi
searching engines for library patrons, manual usage statistics, etc.
This talk will discuss how we set up licenses for electronic materials
and how we provide and maintain the access to these materials.

Rocki Strader
Assistant Professor & Catalog Librarian
The Ohio State University Libraries     Phone: 614-688-8091
610 Ackerman Rd., Rm. 5769               Fax: 614-292-2015
Columbus, OH 43202               Email: strader.2@osu.edu


Deberah England
Electronic Resources Librarian
Wright State University Libraries
3640 Col. Glenn Hwy.
Dayton, OH 45435-0001
Phone: (937) 775-2224
Fax:  (937) 775-2481
Email:  deberah.england@wright.edu

"The task ahead of us is never as great as the power behind us."
Marigold IceUnity's motto from original text by Audre Lorde (1934-1992)
World Champions 2002, 2004, 2006; http://marigold.fi/