Standing orders are handled differently across institutions and
libraries. At Notre Dame we would like to try to streamline our
process. We thought it might be helpful to gather some information from
other institutions as to how they manage their standing orders.
Types of standing orders could include the following:
Analyzed work-in-parts
Classed separately
Classed together
Monographic Series
Multi-part items
Multi-volume monograph
Series standing order
In general, how do you handle standing orders?
· Place a standing order through a vendor /publisher
· Order as a "one shot" (book order, firm order, etc.) when the
next volume/item has been published
· Receive through Approval plans
What are the advantages/disadvantages with the process you use?
On the fiscal side, how are standing orders handled?
· Placed on serials funds
· Placed on book funds
· Placed on approval funds
Currently, our standing orders reside on our serials funds. Each fund
has an allocation for the current fiscal year, if the standing order
title does not have an expenditure associated with it in the fiscal
year, it is basically lost. As everyone knows, some standing order
titles can go several years without a new edition published. If your
standing orders are on your serials funds, how do you keep them
committed in the fund? Do you use some type of cost averaging that
figures into the commitment for each year? Is there a specific amount
of money set aside to cover standing orders?
Thank you for any insight you can provide.
*/Pamela J. Nicholas/*
*/Serials Unit/*
*/122 Hesburgh Library/*
*/Notre Dame, IN 46556/*
*/t: 574-631-7577/*
*/f: 574-631-8273/*