Dear SERIALST readers,
We are in the process of starting up an electronic list,
SERIES-L, dedicated to concerns about bibliographic control for library
materials issued in series.
Generally speaking, SERIES-L will do for bibliographic
series what the PERSNAME-L list now does for personal names. Posts to
SERIES-L will address specific concerns and specific situations, and will focus
on resolving problems rather than discussion. Discussion is encouraged --
but not on SERIES-L! -- rather, elsewhere, in appropriate fora. SERIES-L
is for the actual work of cataloging materials in series.
You can sign up for SERIES-L at this time. To do so,
send an e-mail to LISTSERV@PO.MISSOURI.EDU with the text SUBSCRIBE SERIES-L plus your forename and surname. It's
expected that we'll start posts to the list once enough people are signed up.
SERIES-L co-listowners: Wayne Sanders, University of Missouri -
Kathleen Schweitzberger, University of Missouri - Kansas City
Fairclough, George Mason University
(to send a message to the SERIES-L
listowners, write to SERIES-L-request@PO.MISSOURI.EDU)