Planet's 1st Library Faculty Open-Access Mandate: 7th US Mandate, 68th Worldwide Stevan Harnad 13 Mar 2009 21:48 UTC

** Apologies for Cross-Posting **

>From Peter Suber's OA
 This is the planet's first Green OA Mandate by a Library
Librarians have been at the vanguard of the Open Access movement, often
trying heroically, but in vain, to convince other faculty university-wide to
deposit, as well as to convince the university to mandate deposit. Here is
something they can do on their own, to provide an example and show the way:
mandate deposit within their own department or faculty. (This is also an
instance if Arthur's Sale's suggestion that "patch-work" mandates be adopted
at the laboratory, department or faculty level, rather than waiting for
university-wide mandates)
To the Library Faculty at Oregon State University, who have now put their
own work where their heart (and hard work) is, kudos! The OSU mandate is
even the optimal<>
ID/OA <> (DDR)
mandate, as Peter notes below.  -- SH


*An OA mandate for the OSU library

The library faculty at Oregon State University <> have
adopted an OA mandate<>
 and guidelines<>).
>From today'sannouncement<>

On March 6, library faculty adopted a policy that requires deposit of final
published versions of scholarly works in the libraries’ institutional
repository, ScholarsArchive@OSU. This is the first open access mandate
adopted by a library faculty in the United States, according to Michael
Boock, head of digital access services for OSU Libraries.

Since 2004, OSU Libraries has worked to collect the university’s scholarship
in digital form to ensure greater accessibility and long-term preservation
of the scholarship. ScholarsArchive@OSU, which recently ranked fourth among
U.S. digital repositories, contains dissertations, theses, a wide variety of
university technical reports, working papers and series and increasingly,
published articles, papers and presentations. The current contributions come
from across campus, and are contributed on a voluntary basis.

The new policy means that the 42 library faculty will automatically
contribute all of their scholarship to the archive, which will not be the
case for faculty in other departments, who can continue to contribute on a
voluntary basis.

No later than the date of publication or distribution, library faculty
members will deposit an electronic copy of the final published version of
their works in an appropriate format (such as PDF) to
ScholarsArchive@OSU.The policy applies to articles, conference papers
and proceedings,
substantial presentations and internal reports of interest to a broader
audience that are authored or co-authored by library faculty members.

“As faculty members at Oregon’s land grant university the library faculty
believes they have a responsibility to share their expertise and research
with the public,” Boock said. “As librarians, they believe in the widest
possible access to information and its long-term preservation. The policy
they’ve adopted supports these goals.”

>From the policy

...The policy will apply to all scholarly works authored or co-authored
while a faculty member of the University Libraries, beginning with works
created after March 2009....

When a publisher is involved who will not agree to the terms of this policy
as stated in the Science Commons Access-Reuse Addendum, the University
Librarian or the University Librarian’s designate will waive application of
the policy upon written request from faculty. When a waiver is granted,
faculty are encouraged to deposit whatever version of the article the
publisher allows (e.g. pre or post-print)....

The Coordinator [who also grants waivers] may assist the author in getting
terms from the publisher that are most agreeable to the author.

>From the policy

[The Library Faculty Association] recommends that authors select the
Access/Reuse agreement type using the Science Commons Scholar’s Copyright
Addendum Engine <>....

*Comment.  *Kudos to the OSU Library Faculty Association (LFA) for this
strong policy.  I applaud the mandatory language, thedual deposit-release
strategy <> (or
what Stevan Harnad calls immediate deposit / optional
and the clarity in making waivers apply only to OA, not to deposits.  I like
the way the LFA will help faculty deposit their articles as well as obtain
better terms from publishers.  You can classify this as a "faculty vote"
policy, as opposed to an administrative policy, and as a departmental rather
than university-wide policy.  Now that the library faculty have taken the
lead, it's time for other departments and divisions of OSU, already
operating under a policy to encourage self-archiving, to strengthen their
policy as well.

[image: Permanent link to this
in OA News by Peter Suber at 3/13/2009 05:13:00 PM