International Symposium "Academic Online Resources: Assessment and Usage" Joachim SCHOPFEL 13 Feb 2009 10:53 UTC

*International Symposium "Academic Online Resources: *

*Assessment and Usage"*

*Lille (France), 26-27 November 2009 ( *
*Charles de Gaulle University Lille 3* *GERIICO laboratory – SID team*

First announcement and call for papers

The evaluation of academic online information resources through usage
assessment accompanies their integration into academic libraries. The
associates librarians, publishers, vendors and scientists into a common
discussion on resource management, evaluation, research and theoretical

Between 1998 and 2008, the work on usage assessment advanced in several
ways. The COUNTER Codes of Good Practice are to become international
standards and facilitate the recording and reporting of online usage
statistics in a consistent, credible and compatible way. Regularly revised
and updated, they are built upon common definitions of collected usage
statistics. Vendors and service providers offer tools and services for the
management of usage data, compliant with the COUNTER standards. Libraries
develop local software for usage assessment. Especially in the UK, results
from a new type of usage research based on the weblog analysis have been
published. These studies provide an accurate knowledge about who uses
when and how.

The symposium aims at highlighting the frontline research of library and
information scientists and LIS professionals and at getting a large and
precise understanding of online information usage assessment and to
the challenges.

The symposium is also a forum to compare and debate on different
and methodological approaches. The invited communications should cover the
whole range of questions related to the evaluation of online information
resources in academic and research environments – e.g. economical,
political, scientific, documentary aspects and so on.

*Suggested topics *

1.        Access statistics: empirical studies

2.        Usage behaviours in academic environment: plural methodologies

3.        Metrics and assessment

4.        Tools, standards, and services: prospective analyses

5.        Access statistics and scientific research assessment

6.        Usage behaviours and business models for academic online resources

7.        Academic libraries in a digital environment: usage profiles and
new services

8.        New publishing models and access statistics

9.        Usage assessment of new information resources: datasets,

10.     Usage of online resources, competencies, and information literacy
(Google generation)
The list is not exhaustive, other proposals can be submitted to enrich and
complete the suggested topics. Concerned are foremost researchers in
information and communication sciences but scholars from other disciplines
and LIS professionals are welcome.

The symposium is open to contributions from France and other countries.
Expected languages are French and English.

Scientific committee

–          Chérifa BOUKACEM, Lille 3 – GERIICO (Coordinator)

–          Chris ARMBRUSTER, Max Planck Digital Library

–          Tim BRODY, University of  Southampton

–          Pierre CARBONE, Inspection Générale des Bibliothèques

–          Stéphane CHAUDIRON, Lille 3 – GERIICO

–          Eric DELAMOTTE, Lille 3 – GERIICO

–          Jérôme FONCEL, Nancy 2 – GREMARS

–          Hamid JAMALI, Tarbiat Moallem University (Teheran) - CIBER

–          Thierry LAFOUGE, Lyon 1 – ELICO

–          David NICHOLAS, UCL – CIBER

–          Fabrice PAPY, Paris 8 – Paragraphe

–          Claude POISSENOT, Nancy 2 - ELICO

–          Ian ROWLANDS, UCL – CIBER

–          Joachim SCHÖPFEL, Lille 3 – GERIICO

–          Carol TENOPIR, University of Tennessee

–          Ismaïl TIMMIMI, Lille 3 – GERIICO

–          Françoise VAN DOOREN, Université Libre de Bruxelles

–          Alexis WALCKIERS, Université Libre de Bruxelles – ECARES

* *

*Organization committee  *

–          Laure BOLKA

–          Heidi GAUTSCHI

–          Aude SAUER AVARGUES

–          Xavier SENSE (Coordinator)
  Important dates

§          16 March 2009: Deadline of the reception of communication

§          20 April 2009: Answers of the Scientific Committee.

§          20 July 2009: Handing-over final versions of the talks.
  Submission of proposals and final versions

§          Submission of proposals at the following address:<>

§          Each tender for communication should include identity of the
speaker and his contact numbers (name - corporate name - telephone - fax -
addresses - e-mail), references and a short biography, title of the
intervention with the selected theme, a summary of about 6000 characters
(without blanks) written in French or English, and three key-words.

§          Final version: expected are 12 pages A4 with references (30 000
characters), police Times New Roman, 12 points, simple interline, format
WORD or RTF, abstract (10 lines) and keywords in English and French.