Re: Serials Solutions 360 Counter and 360 Counter Data Retrieval Service
Ela Rymsza-Pawlowska 06 Feb 2009 14:38 UTC
Actually the second is , if you look closely at the pricing, Resource
Manager which is sort of ERM as I understand. Data Retrieval Service is
what the name indicates and runs under the Counter. Another words :
either you populate Counter yourself going to publishers and uploading
stats to Counter or SS will do it for via harvesting service which is
Data Retrieval Service. Actually I'm more interested in Resource
Manager which I really couldn't understand the explanation of except
that it has pricing. But that we can learn from AU & GW. Ela
Kristen Fredericksen wrote:
> Hello serialists,
> We are considering the purchase of Counter and/or Data Retrieval
> Service from Serials Solutions. I would like to get feedback from
> others who have used one or both modules. It would be especially
> helpful to hear from libraries that have Voyager, have used
> ScholarlyStats in the past, and have used these modules without
> purchasing the others, but any experience is valuable information. In
> particular, I'd like to know:
> How difficult was it to import information from your ILS? How
> difficult was it to upload old statistics?
> Was customer service helpful when you encountered problems?
> In comparison to ScholarlyStats, are the features in Counter just
> "nice to have" or really worth switching over? What about Data
> Retrieval Service?
> Thanks in advance for any information you can provide.
> - Kristen
Ela Rymsza-Pawlowska
Assistant Director for Technical Services
Catholic University of America
University Libraries
Washington, DC 20064
tel. 202.319.5554
fax 202.319.4735