ABOUT THE COMMERCIAL DIGEST SERIALST Commercial Digest pilot project: Since June 2008, the SERIALST moderators have been experimenting with compiling and distributing a Commercial Digest once a week, on Friday afternoons, with messages containing informational content from commercial bodies (i.e., publishers, vendors, agents, etc.). The moderators review submitted messages for informational content that may interest our subscribers. We reserve the right to reject messages that are purely for advertising or product/service solicitation, with little or no informational content beyond the solicitation, as well as other content that are not within the scope and purpose guidelines of SERIALST (see: http://www.uvm.edu/~bmaclenn/serialst.html) If you have thoughts or feedback about the Commercial digest, or other aspects of SERIALST, please let us hear from you. Contact information for the SERIALST moderators is at: http://www.uvm.edu/~bmaclenn/serialst.html#contacts This week's digest contains 3 messages: 1. Taylor & Francis Group Announces Co-Publishing Agreement with Anamaya Publishers, India 2. Announcing "Academia.edu" 3. Darwin Year Celebration Contest 1. Taylor & Francis Group Announces Co-Publishing Agreement with Anamaya Publishers, India ~with apologies for cross-posting~ Taylor & Francis Group today announced that it will be co-publishing academic research journals with Anamaya Publishers of New Delhi, India, under its world famous Taylor & Francis and Routledge imprints. For the first time the following Anamaya journals will be available to purchase in international online and print or in online-only editions: • Gwalior Academy of Mathematical Sciences (GAMS) Journal of Mathematics & Mathematical Biosciences ISSN 0974-2689; • Indian Chemical Engineer: Quarterly Journal of the Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers ISSN 0019-4506; • Indian Journal of Industrial & Applied Mathematics: Biannual Journal of the Indian Society of Industrial & Applied Mathematics ISSN 0973-4317; • Maritime Affairs: Journal of the National Maritime Foundation of India ISSN 0973-3159; • SESI: Journal of the Solar Energy Society of India ISSN 0970-2466 Manish Sejwal, owner of Anamaya Publishers said, "We are delighted with the co-publishing partnership between Anamaya Publishers and the Taylor & Francis Group, one of the leading publishing brands in the world today. It marks the beginning of an exciting opportunity for us to present to the global audience highly relevant scholarly work from well-known scientific and professional organisations in India. During recent years, Anamaya Publishers has progressed well in its aim of becoming the leading academic publisher on the Indian subcontinent by publishing and distributing scholarly books and journals with a distinctively Indian focus on behalf of our authors, editors and society partners. We are ideally positioned to take the lead in creating a viable forum for showcasing Indian knowledge to reach a wider, global audience." Dr David Green, Global Journals Publishing Director for Taylor & Francis Group said, "This is an extremely exciting co-publishing partnership. Having established a journals editorial operation in our New Delhi office, Taylor & Francis is proud to have entered into a co-publishing partnership with Anamaya Publishers and its society partners. We are able to bring to the partnership global sales and marketing exposure, and a cutting-edge online presence with the informaworld platform. The Anamaya portfolio of journals is committed to quality and excellence in editorial content and publishing standards, so this is a wonderful marriage for all parties." The incorporation of these five journals in the Taylor & Francis portfolio brings the total number of journals available to subscribers to 1405 in 2009. Taylor & Francis Group has 418 journals ranked within the Science and Social Sciences Journal Citation Reports® (JCRs®). In the 2007 JCR, 41 Taylor & Francis Group journals were added. For further information on both companies please visit http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Contact: Jennifer McMillan Library Marketing Manager Office: +44 (0)207 017 6000 Jennifer.McMillan@tandf.co.uk Taylor & Francis Group, 4 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, OX14 4RN, UK Taylor & Francis Group is a trading name of Informa UK Limited, registered in England under no. 1072954 2. Announcing "Academia.edu" Dear all, I recently finished my Ph.D at Oxford on the philosophy of perception. With a team of people from Stanford and Cambridge, I've just launched a website, Academia.edu, which does two things: - It shows academics around the world structured in a 'tree' format, displayed according to their departmental and institutional affiliations. - It enables academics to see news on the latest research in their area - the latest people, papers and talks. We are hoping that Academia.edu will eventually list every academic in the world -- Faculty Members, Post-Docs, Graduate Students, and Independent Researchers. Academics can add their departments, and themselves, to the tree by clicking on the boxes. Academics are joining the tree rapidly. More than 25,000 academics have added themselves in the last three months. Some professors on the site include: - Richard Dawkins - http://oxford.academia.edu/RichardDawkins - Stephen Hawking - http://cambridge.academia.edu/StephenHawking - Paul Krugman - http://princeton.academia.edu/PaulKrugman - Noam Chomsky - http://mit.academia.edu/NoamChomsky - Steven Pinker - http://harvard.academia.edu/StevenPinker We're trying to spread the word about Academia.edu as much as possible. It would be terrific if you could visit the site, and add yourself to your department on the tree at http://www.academia.edu/signup?SERIALST. If your university is not there, you can add it. Independent researchers - if you are a researcher that is not associated with a university, I encourage you to add yourself to the "Independent Researchers" portion of the tree at http://independent.academia.edu/signup?SERIALST. And do spread the word to your friends and colleagues if you can. Many thanks, Richard Dr. Richard Price http://oxford.academia.edu/RichardPrice 3. Darwin Year Celebration Contest On behalf of Springer, Evolution: Education and Outreach <http://www.springer.com/12052> invites all libraries to enter our Darwin Year Celebration Contest. Enter your best shot or video and see it featured in an upcoming issue of Evolution: Education and Outreach. Enter TODAY! To enter, please send: * Name of the school and contact information * A picture or video of display * A brief description of about the library and how it's celebrating Darwin Year Please send your entry to Samantha.Lonuzzi@springer.com <mailto:Samantha.Lonuzzi@springer.com> by September 1st, 2009. * Don't forget to check our Springer's Darwin Year page <http://www.springer.com/darwin2009> * Robyn McKenna Springer Associate Product Manager - Life Sciences & Biomedicine 233 Spring Street New York, New York 10013 tel +1 212 620 8416 fax +1 212 460 1577 robyn.mckenna@springer.com <mailto:lisa.maclean@springer.com>