IFLA call for papers Jina Choi Wakimoto 28 Jan 2009 21:38 UTC

Dear Colleagues,

Please consider submitting a paper for IFLA Serials and Other Continuing
Resources Section open programme.

Jina Choi Wakimoto
Faculty Director, Cataloging and Metadata Services
University of Colorado at Boulder
184 UCB
Boulder, CO 80309-0184
Phone: 303-492-3920
Email: jina.wakimoto@colorado.edu



IFLA Serials and Other Continuing Resources Section Division of Collections
and Services

75th World Library and Information Congress, Milan, Italy,

23-27 August 2009

Session theme:

Serials in the 21st century: new concepts, new challenges

The IFLA Serials and Other Continuing Resources Section (SOCRS) invites
librarians and other interested parties to submit proposals for papers for
the 2-hour open session in Milan.

Electronic formats have altered traditional ways of acquiring, cataloging
and managing library materials. The lines are blurring between e-books,
e-journals, and article databases. The division of functions in
Acquisitions, Cataloging and Collection Development, as well as Public
Services, which have until now been based on the types of material
(continuing resources vs. monographs), are becoming less clear. Almost all
e-resources have a seriality aspect. Are e-books the new continuing

If the work of managing and servicing e-resources is being done in serials
units (whether Acquisitions or Cataloging), then who handles “new” serials
such as e-books and where do they fit in?  Should they be included in ERMs?

What kind of training and communication is needed for efficient work with
e-resources? How do libraries adapt to this paradigm shift?

We especially invite papers that address the following topics:

*Organizational models for work with e-resources. What works and what

*E-books from selection to access: some new approaches

*New challenges as new opportunities

Please send a detailed abstract in English (1 page or at least 300 words) of
the proposed paper (which must not have been published elsewhere) and
relevant biographical information of author(s)/presenter(s) by February 15th

2009 via e-mail to: Eva-Lisa Holm Granath, Secretary of SOCRS,

e-mail:  <mailto:evaho@bibl.liu.se> evaho@bibl.liu.se

The abstracts will be reviewed by members of the Serials and Other
Continuing Resources Section´s Standing Committee. Successful proposals will
be identified by March 8th 2009 Full papers will be due by May 1st

2009 to allow time for review of papers and preparation of translations.

Papers should be no longer than 10-20 pages. 10-15 minutes will be allowed
for a summary delivery of the paper during the Section's open session in
Milan. We aim for a broader range coverage with slightly shorter

Please note that the expenses of attending the Milan conference will be the
responsibility of the author(s)/presenter(s) of accepted papers, and at
least one of the authors/presenters must be present for the program.
