Re: AnthroSource and Wiley-Blackwell Ken Siegert 26 Jan 2009 16:22 UTC

When I spoke to Dion @ Anthrosource (last week), I mentioned that
some content is gone.  He said that Wiley either 1) does not have the
rights to the access, and they are working on getting those rights,
or 2) some of the older titles did not have ISSNs, and Wiley was
working on getting that corrected.  He also stated that he was
speaking to Wiley on a weekly basis to discuss problems.

So it would seem that there is probably a good chance that all
content will be restored, it'll just take time.  Did I mentioned that
Wiley still hasn't completely resolved our Blackwell merger issues.  :-)

On Jan 26, 2009, at 10:46 AM, Lynn Cote wrote:

> I spent a good deal of time last Thursday and Friday customizing our
> SerialsSolutions urls for the titles Ken lists below.  I had
> intended to
> contact SerialsSolutions early this week, once I figured it all out
> since not only are numerous urls now incorrect, but coverage for some
> titles is also incorrect and other titles will need to be removed from
> the AnthroSource database.
> With the re-vamping of AnthroSource, titles that used to be listed
> separately are now batched together under latest entry :-(.  For
> instance, holdings for Anthropology and humanism quarterly (v.1-v.17
> (1976-1992)) are now included with Anthropology and humanism (which
> began publication with v.18 (1993).  Newsletter (Society for the
> Anthropology of Visual Communication), Newsletter (Program in
> Ethnographic Film), PIEF Newsletter, Society for Visual Anthropology
> Review, Studies in the Anthropology of Visual Communication, SVA
> Newsletter and SVA Review are earlier titles that are related to
> Visual
> Anthropology review, however, because AnthroSource holdings for Visual
> Anthropology review begin with 1985, there no longer is coverage
> provided for PIEF Newsletter, Newsletter (Society for the Anthropology
> of Visual Communication) (1973-1984) and Studies in the
> Anthropology of
> Visual Communication (all earlier titles to Visual Anthropology
> review).
> (These titles will have to be removed from AnthroSource in SS.)
> Communicator: Newsletter of the Council on Nutritional Anthropology is
> now included with Nutritional Anthropology.  You will find coverage
> for
> Fellow newsletter/ American Anthropological Association, Anthropology
> Newsletter, and Newsletter of the American Anthropological Association
> included with Anthropology News.  Journal of Latin American
> Anthropology; and Latin American Anthropology Review are now included
> with the current title: The Journal of Latin American and Caribbean
> Anthropology (and unfortunately filed under "The" in the list).
> This has been a serials cataloger's nightmare.  We've taken 2 steps
> backwards with the changes that have been made.  And besides problems
> with SerialsSolutions records, I've already encountered similar
> problems
> with SFX  ... sigh...
> Lynn K. Cote
> Serials Cataloger/Electronic Resources Access Coordinator
> Collections Services, U-2005
> University of Connecticut
> Homer Babbidge Library
> 369 Fairfield Rd.
> Storrs, CT  06269-2005
> ph. (860)486-6495
> fax (860)486-6493
> -----Original Message-----
> From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum
> [] On Behalf Of Ken Siegert
> Sent: Friday, January 23, 2009 4:15 PM
> Subject: Re: [SERIALST] AnthroSource and Wiley-Blackwell
> I just looked in Serials Solutions, and these titles have the wrong
> URL list as the default --
> Anthropology and Humanism Quarterly
> Anthropology Newsletter
> Communicator: Newsletter of the Council on Nutritional Anthropology
> Journal of Latin American Anthropology
> Latin American Anthropology Review
> Newsletter (Society for the Anthropology of Visual Communication)
> PIEF Newsletter
> Society for Visual Anthropology Review
> Studies in the Anthropology of Visual Communication
> SVA Newsletter
> SVA Review
> I called SerSol and alerted them to the problem, and provided a list
> of problem titles.  When I click on the default URL, a page comes up
> that states --
> Server Error in '/' Application.
> Object reference not set to an instance of an object
> For example, the Journal of Latin American Anthropology has a default
> URL of, but
> the link used should be for the current title Journal of Latin
> American and Caribbean Anthropology (
> Issues.aspx?issn=1935-4932).
> --Ken
> On Jan 23, 2009, at 3:48 PM, Peter Picerno wrote:
>> Hi Ken (and all) --
>> Thanks for the information about AnthroSource ... the links in
>> Serials Solutions seemed to work for me because that's what I used
>> to check the titles with, so they may have been up-dated since you
>> checked. In any case, it might be a good idea to alert Serials
>> Solutions to the problem(s).
>> As for the problem in general, we're waiting to see what our new
>> invoice will bring in terms of price, but I can't help but agree
>> that this (like the Blackwell situation) is frustrating, to say the
>> least!
>> Peter Picerno
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum
>> [] On Behalf Of Ken Siegert
>> Sent: Friday, January 23, 2009 3:38 PM
>> Subject: Re: [SERIALST] AnthroSource and Wiley-Blackwell
>> Hi Peter,
>> Same here at F&M.  I have been in contact with someone at Wiley and
>> am waiting on a response.  Late last week or earlier this week, I
>> spoke with Dion @ AnthroSource.  He said that Wiley doesn't have
>> rights to some of the older materials, and that might be why access
>> is either being denied or we are receiving an error message (#4090).
>> I also found that some of the older content just isn't there anymore
>> (Contributions of the Latin American Anthropology Group, large
>> sections of Latin American Anthropology Review).
>> For those using Serials Solutions, I also found about 12 of the
>> titles that have the wrong updated URL (which is supplied by
>> Anthrosource or Wiley).  They are older titles, and the URLs have the
>> original ISSN numbers.  The ISSN in the links need to be for the
>> current or most recent title.  I mentioned this to the Wiley rep as
>> well.
>> This is very frustrating . . . Wiley has created a lot of problems in
>> the last 6 months, first with the Blackwell takeover and now with
>> Anthrosource.
>> --Ken
>> On Jan 23, 2009, at 1:48 PM, Peter Picerno wrote:
>>> I've found no access to the following titles in AnthroSource and
>>> wondered if anyone else came up with the same list of inaccessible
>>> content:
>>> Anthropology And Humanism Quarterly
>>> Anthropology news
>>> Anthropology newsletter
>>> Communicator : newsletter of the Council on Nutritional Anthropology
>>> CSAS Bulletin Central States Anthropological Society
>>> General Anthropology Bulletin of the General Anthropology Division
>>> Journal of Latin American anthropology
>>> Latin American anthropology review
>>> Newsletter (Program in Ethnographic Film)
>>> Newsletter (Society for the Anthropology of Visual Communication)
>>> PIEF newsletter
>>> Society for Visual Anthropology review
>>> Studies in the Anthropology of Visual Communication
>>> SVA newsletter
>>> SVA review
>>> Peter V. Picerno
>>> Serials & E-Resources
>>> Asst. Head, Resource Development
>>> Green Library GL 810
>>> Florida International University
>>> University Park
>>> Miami  FL   33199
>>> Ph: 305.348.6279
>>> Fax: 305.348.1798
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum
>>> [] On Behalf Of Martha Spicuzza
>>> Sent: Friday, January 16, 2009 1:02 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [SERIALST] AnthroSource and Wiley-Blackwell
>>> We had broken links appear for the AnthroSource titles when running
>>> our URL checker on the brief records we create from the
>>> SerialsSolutions download.  Also, there is a lot of content no
>>> longer available on the new site.  I'm just adding this to the
>>> Wiley/Blackwell problem pile.
>>> Martha Spicuzza
>>> Technical Services Librarian/Serials
>>> Hillsdale College Mossey Library
>>> 33 E College Street
>>> Hillsdale MI 49242
>>> voice: 517-607-2405
>>> email:
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum
>>> [] On Behalf Of Ken Siegert
>>> Sent: Friday, January 16, 2009 10:47 AM
>>> Subject: [SERIALST] AnthroSource and Wiley-Blackwell
>>> Hello!
>>> Maybe I missed this, but I don't remember seeing anything on the
>>> list- serv about this change.
>>> This morning, someone in ILL called me because our AnthroSource URL
>>> wasn't working for Latin American Anthropology Group Contributions
>>> (Vol. 1 1976).  We have all of our AnthroSource URLs listed as
>>> http:// (xxxx standing for the
>>> title's abbreviation).  I looked at it and got an error message
>>> that the page couldn't be found.  I dropped the /loi/xxxx, and was
>>> able to connect to AnthroSource.
>>> When I got there, I discovered that 1) not all of the previous
>>> content is on the AnthroSource site anymore, 2) the pdf and html
>>> links take the user to Wiley-Blackwell (initially, many of the
>>> articles came up with an error message #4090 on the W-B site), 3)
>>> the content that is no longer on AnthroSource is available on W-B,
>>> but if it is earlier than 1997 we are prompted for a username/
>>> password.
>>> Concerning missing content, here's an example.  With the old
>>> version of AnthroSource, we had Vol. 1-6 (1989-94) of Latin
>>> American Anthropology Review, now only Vol. 1 is listed on the
>>> AnthroSource website (under the title Journal of Latin American and
>>> Caribbean Anthropology).
>>> I also found that the official changes began on 12/22/08  -- click
>>> here for the link.
>>> After all of the problems we had when Wiley & Blackwell merged this
>>> past summer, it appears that we are going to have the same problems
>>> with AnthroSource.
>>> Anyone else have problems??
>>> Thanks,
>>> Ken
>> ----------
>> Ken Siegert
>> Acquisitions Assistant
>> Electronic Resources & Periodicals / U.S. Documents
>> Shadek-Fackenthal Library
>> Franklin & Marshall College
>> P.O. Box 3003
>> Lancaster, PA  17604-3003
>> Phone -     (717) 291-4219
>> Fax -     (717) 291-4160