Re: DOAJ titles in Serials Solutions Bonnie Tijerina 25 Jan 2009 17:01 UTC

For those not attending the ER&L conference this year, we are recording
Chad's and all the sessions and we will post them after the conference.
We'll send out an announcement to the list.
They will eventually be linked from here:


On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 1:19 PM, Chad Hutchens <> wrote:

> I should have also added that a colleague and myself conducted a survey
> about why different libraries have added collections like these and if so,
> whether or not they have criteria for their addition.
> Along with that data, we're presenting some other findings about free and
> open access e-resources at the ER&L conference next month.  I'd be glad to
> share the summary of survey results with anyone who's interested.  Some of
> our findings are quite interesting.
> Also...if anyone here on this list took that survey I'd like to extend my
> thanks!
> --
> Chad Hutchens
> Electronic Resources Librarian
> University of Wyoming Libraries
> Dept 3334, 1000 E University Ave.
> Laramie, WY 82071-20000
> Ph: (307) 766-5560

Bonnie Tijerina
Editor, Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship
Digital Collections Services Librarian
University of California, Los Angeles
33456 Charles E. Young Research Library
Los Angeles, CA 90095