Survey on Electronic Resources Management Lisa Sibert 23 Dec 2008 17:05 UTC

Please forgive the duplication.  This message cross-posted to several

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to kindly request your participation in a survey on Electronic
Resources Management.  We are gathering data for a presentation to take
place at ER&L 2009 in February.  The survey will provide us with the ability
to compare the activities and structures of other libraries’ systems for
managing electronic resources with our own.  The survey contains questions
relating to the administrative structure of electronic resources management
duties, workflow, usage statistics, licensing, ERMS, collections, training,
troubleshooting and future challenges.

The survey should take approximately 15 minutes to complete, and you can
exit the survey at any time.  Demographic data is requested in order to
determine the level of comparison with our own type and size of institution.

Please follow the link to take the survey:

Thank you in advance for your time.  The survey will remain open until
January 15th, 2009.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact
Lisa Sibert ( or Julia Gelfand (


Lisa Sibert, Electronic Resources Acquisitions Librarian
Julia Gelfand, Applied Sciences & Engineering Librarian
University of California, Irvine