Re: procedure for print to online only John Lucas 22 Dec 2008 16:36 UTC

Hello Sarah,

While we do not have a III System, We close out the print things as all should do.
To indicate Online only, in the bib record we add
 1.  362	 	$aVol. 11, no. 3 (June 1996)-           ; Electronic Only 2009-

We also add in our Summary Holdings statements
WEB PAGE  v. 24 (2009) => Electronic Journals Page

And duplicate that as an item record just like any other bound volume.   [   v. 24 (2009) => Electronic Journals Page   ]

HAPPY Holidays,

John Lucas

Serials Librarian
University of Mississippi Medical Center
2500 North State St
Jackson, MS 39216-4505

(PH) (601) 984-1277
(FAX)  (601) 815-4569

>>> Sarah Glasser <Sarah.Glasser@HOFSTRA.EDU> 12/22/2008 9:33:12 AM >>>
Hi Everyone,

Another question from newbie...

I am creating a workflow for journal titles that move from print (or print + online) to online only.  In these cases, we want to close out the iii card and create both a public and non-public note concerning the fact that the title is now online only; older print issues are being retained.  I have come up with the following, but would appreciate feedback from more seasoned librarians:

1) Claim/follow up on any missing issues
2) Make sure all cards are reflected in the holdings statement.  If not, fix (check shelves, claim, make note if missing issues, etc)
3) Delete cards (once confirmed that holdings statements correctly reflect cards)
4) Include a non-public note with insert note function (internal note variable field)
5) create a public note (see my question #2 below).
6) check public display
7) make sure record includes a link to online access

Does this sound right?  Here are some specific questions I have

1) Is it common practice to delete the cards when a title will no longer be received in print and therefore is no longer checked in?

2) What is the best place for the public note?  I have placed it after the last holding statement, but I am not sure this is the best place.

3) How can I suppress the "latest received" feature that shows in the public display? I think over time it will look silly to have a latest received that is so old.   Or is it common practice to leave this displayed?

Thank you all in advance for your for your help and happy holidays!

Sarah (Sally) Glasser
Serials/Electronic Resources Librarian
022B Axinn Library
123 Hofstra University
Hempstead, NY  11549


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