Re: Designating e-journal links as "recommended" (Sarah Brett)
Lori Fenton 14 Nov 2008 15:27 UTC
Thanks for bringing up this topic, Lucy. Our library has used Serials
Solutions for several years, but I'm brand new to e-resources. Our new
dean has indicated to me that users are confused by the multiple links.
He's requesting that I find a way to "direct" users to a single source
for each title. Prioritizing platforms and/or indicating preferred
databases might be a compromise. I'd appreciate hearing more ideas about
how this could be accomplished.
BTW, isn't one purpose of using a product such as Serials Solutions to
reveal all a library's resources and offer users more options? Is there
a happy medium somewhere?
Lori R. Fenton
Electronic Resources
Washburn University Mabee Library
1700 SW College Avenue
Topeka KS 66621
Ph. 785-670-1984
Carmel Yurochko wrote:
> There used to be a way to do this in SFX; I think there still is. We have
> not had the time to do so. Previously, our IT Director, via the SFX server,
> was able to make all of our ProQuest databases displays first on the "menu".
> We defaulted to an alphabetical list and are making plans to display "more
> reliable" links first.
> Thanks,
> Carmel
> -----Original Message-----
> From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum
> [mailto:SERIALST@LIST.UVM.EDU] On Behalf Of Bob Persing
> Sent: Friday, November 14, 2008 8:09 AM
> Subject: Re: [SERIALST] Designating e-journal links as "recommended" (Sarah
> Brett)
> From: Sarah Brett <>
> Subject: Re: [SERIALST] Designating e-journal links as "recommended"
> Date: Fri, 14 Nov 2008 07:02:57 -0500
> I agree that prioritizing the platforms list would be the most obvious
> way to direct a patron toward the most useful link. However, we use
> Serials Solutions, and when I asked them about this several months ago,
> I was told that the resources could not be prioritized. We are still
> trying to find an effective way to deal with this, so I would also be
> happy to hear how other libraries who use Serials Solutions (or other
> products that cannot customize a list) handle the display.
> Sarah Brett
> Chad Hutchens wrote:
>> I think the best way to handle this is simply to make sure that the most
>> reliable resource links are listed first as most users will simply
>> click on
>> the first link they see.
>> In many link resolver systems, you can prioritize platforms and
>> display them
>> in a set order if that particular journal title is available on more than
>> one platform.
> Sarah Brett <>
> Serials Manager
> Carrier Library
> James Madison University