1. Are libraries retaining them as microcard format?Yes.
2. What equipment are you providing for users - to read and print?
We have a Minolta MS2000 microfilm scanner that can take an 87x lens. The
workstation it's attached to is on the network so users can use network
printers if they prefer a hard copy to a PDF. We also have a Realist
Vantage 5 with an ultrafiche lens for LAC/LEL, but it's not set up to
print/scan so it tends to be the last resort.
3. Have you added entries to your PAC for each title?
4. Do you know if content in these collections is available in another
Funny you should ask. Terry Ballard has put together an excellent list of
links to online versions of LAC titles at
http://www.quinnipiac.edu/x1849.xml, and as a fun exercise, I ran it through
some Perl scripts to structure the entries so that we could easily match
them to records in our catalog. We'll be loading the URLs shortly. I have a
file mapping OCLC numbers to URLs that I'd be happy to share if anyone's
I don't know of any such listing for LEL, but if anyone knows of one I'd be
interested in doing the same thing with it.
Brian McDonald
Electronic Services Librarian
Warren Hunting Smith Library
Hobart & William Smith Colleges