Re: Question re: the new ProQuest dissertation submission website
Cyndi Adamo 07 Nov 2008 13:12 UTC
Thanks so much for the suggestions on what to do for this situation.
For anyone in a similar situation, the best solution we've come across thus far is:
Have the student who chooses to pay by check/money order go through most of the submission process, leaving the process when they get to the point of payment. Then they bring the check/money order to us, (payable to us), and we use our P-card to pay for the submission, and complete the online submission process.
I'm not sure if this is what we are going to do, but as I said, so far it's the best solution I've heard.
Thanks again,
Cyndi Adamo
Serials Specialist - Mortensen Library
University of Hartford
200 Bloomfield Avenue
West Hartford, CT 06117
Ph: 860-768-4811
Fax: 860-768-5349