I'm not dealing with this issue, but is it possible to perhaps require
that they print out the confirmation of payment and bring it to you so
that you can mark their submission as complete? Just a thought.......
-----Original Message-----
From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum
[mailto:SERIALST@list.uvm.edu] On Behalf Of Cyndi Adamo
Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2008 2:58 PM
Subject: [SERIALST] Question re: the new ProQuest dissertation
submission website
(Note: I'm not sure if there is a more appropriate listserv to which I
should pose this question; if so, please just let me know!)
I know several members of this list also process thesis/dissertation
submissions. I'm hoping that I can get some suggestions from you folks,
on an issue I've encountered with the new Proquest dissertation
submission site.
The web site currently instructs students who choose to pay by
"check/money order" to send their payment directly to ProQuest. The
confirmation email these students receive also instructs them to send
their payment directly to ProQuest.
This is a problem for me, and for the school, because I am not able to
consider a dissertation submission "complete", until I know payment has
been made. (If the submission is not complete, the student does not
graduate). Thus, students really ought to be instructed to send their
check/money order payments to me first, so I can verify the payment has
indeed been made, and then I can forward it to ProQuest.
I have requested that the remit-to address be changed, so that students
are instructed to send payments to me, but according to ProQuest, this
cannot be done.
They did say that they are working on a feature which would allow me to
change the remit-to address on the website myself, but they cannot tell
me when this feature will be implemented. They have no way to change
the address within the confirmation email, additionally, they have no
way to keep the confirmation email from being sent to the student.
So my options seem to be:
1) Have the site only accept payments via credit card.
2) Stop using the site, and go back to only accepting paper submissions.
I'd really rather not choose option 1, because some students may not
have a credit card, and/or they may have one, but not wish to use it on
the internet.
Option 2 isn't really an option I'd like to consider, because it seems
like a step backwards.
We've had notes added to the web site, which say that the remit-to
address is not correct, and that students ought to send payment here...
but my belief is that, if there are incorrect instructions anywhere on
the site, there is always a chance that someone is going to miss seeing
the "please don't actually do this" notes, and they are going to follow
the incorrect instructions.
Is anyone else dealing with this issue? Does anyone have suggestions on
how we can resolve this problem?
Thanks so much!
Take care,
Cyndi Adamo
Serials Specialist - Mortensen Library
University of Hartford
200 Bloomfield Avenue
West Hartford, CT 06117
Ph: 860-768-4811
Fax: 860-768-5349