Re: ERM solutions: can you add to my list? Hoyte, Daniel 19 Nov 2008 19:13 UTC

That is correct. We moved from Serials Solutions to reSearcher. It can
be hosted by SFU or run as a stand-alone system. (Open source)

Daniel Hoyte
Senior Systems Technician
Chapman University Leatherby Libraries
(714) 532-7745
AIM/Yahoo IM: chaphoyte

/(bb|[^b]{2})/ that is the Question

-----Original Message-----
From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum
[] On Behalf Of Chad Hutchens
Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2008 3:40 PM
Subject: Re: [SERIALST] ERM solutions: can you add to my list?

Simon Fraser University distributes an open source ERM called ReSearcher
believe.  I could be wrong on the name...apologies if so.

Chad Hutchens
Electronic Resources Librarian
University of Wyoming Libraries
Dept 3334, 1000 E University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071-20000
Ph: (307) 766-5560

> From: Kim Maxwell <kmaxwell@MIT.EDU>
> Reply-To: "SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum"
> Date: Fri, 14 Nov 2008 11:29:47 -0500
> To: "SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum"
> Subject: [SERIALST] ERM solutions: can you add to my list?
> I'm guest lecturing in a class on Library Automation Systems next
> My job is to introduce the students to how automated systems help, or
> don't help, with managing both print and electronic materials.  My
> is on acquisitions, and particularly on serials.
> What I need some help with is thinking about the possible ERM
> out there, either total or partial solutions.  I want to show that
> are different options to fit different needs.  Here is the beginning
> my list:
> ERM(Innovative Interfaces (III))
> Open source options (what are they called?)
> Serials Solutions 360
> SwetsWise Subscriptions License Administration
> Verde (Ex Libris)
> Any product names or solutions you can add to the list would be
> appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Kim
> _________________________________________________
> Kim Maxwell
> Serials Acquisitions Librarian
> Associate Head, Acquisitions & Licensing Services
> Massachusetts Institute of Technology
> MIT Libraries, Room 14E-210
> 77 Massachusetts Ave.
> Cambridge, MA 02139-4307
> phone: 1-617-253-7028
> fax:   1-617-253-2464
> email: