It's not too late to submit a proposal! ALCTS Electronic Resources Interest Group - ALA Midwinter - January 2009 Jennifer Lang 31 Oct 2008 18:45 UTC

(please excuse cross-posting)

There's still time for you to submit a presentation proposal for the ALCTS
Electronic Resources Interest Group (ERIG) program at ALA Midwinter in
Denver on Saturday, January 24th from 10:30am-12:00pm! The deadline for
submissions is November 7th, 2008.

Topics should be related to some aspect of electronic resources such as one
of the following:

*	SERU (Shared Electronic Resource Understanding)

*	vendor troubleshooting support

*	self-service e-resource troubleshooting guides people have developed

*	troubleshooting e-resources in general

*	using subscription agents for e-resources and the services they
provide - or not using subscription agents

*	progress of usage statistics reporting

Each presentation should be 20 minutes with 15 minutes for questions and

Proposal submission:
Proposals should be submitted via email to Jennifer Lang (Chair) at

Proposals must include the following:

*	Title of proposed presentation

*	Summary of proposed presentation (300 words or less)

*	Name(s) and position(s) of presenter(s)

*	E-mail address(es) of presenter(s)

*	Brief biography of the presenter(s)

Jennifer Lang, Chair
Amira Aaron, Co-Chair/Chair-Elect
ALCTS Electronic Resources Interest Group