The report results and findings of this survey will be posted after November 2md final class session. Thanks again for those of you that took the time to participate in this survey that contributed to developing programming and policy at Azusa Pacific University.
Irma Harue Nicola
Serials Coordinator
Azusa Pacific University
From: Irma Nicola
Sent: Tue 10/21/2008 10:05 AM
To: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum;;
Subject: library survey
Hello coworkers.
I need your help completing a survey in conjunction with final project with MAOL LDRS 520 Understanding Vocation in a Changing World class at Azusa Pacific University.
It is a short one page 10 question survey on Career Development and Retention.
Please note this is on completely voluntary basis.
The final project does include a presentation in class with the class and Human Resources as "mock consultants"
Go to the following link to complete the survey, thanks for your help.
Psalms 91
Survey will be collected at midnight October 24th.This is a completely anonymous survey and no tracking will be done.
Irma Harue Nicola
Serials Coordinator
Azusa Pacific University