Summary of Responses: Print Journal Issues ... What are you doing with them? Cynthia Koman 03 Oct 2008 14:18 UTC


Below is the summary of responses to the following question:

I was wondering if those of you who receive both print and electronic
for a journal title:

1.  Keep the print issues for that journal?
2. If you keep the issues, do you check them it?
3. If you keep the issues, so you bind them?

Thanks to all who answered.

Best Regards,

Cynthia L. Koman
Serials Librarian
Schaffer Library of Health Sciences
Albany Medical College
phone:  518-262-6058


Yes, most of the time we keep the print issues even when there is
electronic full text available to our patrons. Even when there is full
text, it doesn't mean that the electronic representation includes all
the diagrams, pictures, etc. Actually, for the sciences, many of them do
not carry the graphics needed to understand the article, so we keep the
print issues. We have a list of about 20 at this time that are being
decided by our Reference staff. We expect to hear which ones should be
kept in about a week. That always lengthens my returns of renewals to
Ebsco, but I understand the care the staff takes in making sure we
maintain all the information. I gather the database availability and
microfilm availability plus prices and give them a spreadsheet to work
from. When we buy the microfilm, we usually get rid of the print issues,
but electronic is too iffy to rely on at present. Of course, we are
strictly a technical university studying everything associated with the
aviation and aerospace industries.  Mostly, we have to have at least one
backup to the electronic because of the adverse weather problems,
outages and possible campus server problems. When our internet has been
down for a couple of weeks, we have been grateful for the print and
microfilm that we have.

Here at UNC-Chapel Hill, where we subscribe to print + online, the
Academic Affairs Library keeps the print, checks the print issues in and
binds the print issues. We are becoming more lax on how far we go to
acquire missing print issues however, if the material is also received

You did not really ask about this, but just for information, for titles
where we are changing from print and print+online to online only, we,
like other libraries, are beginning to get rid of some of our print back
files.  These print back files are already bound and we are getting rid
of the bound volumes. It is a painful process for those who helped to
make sure the bound back files were complete. As you can surmise, this
process is mostly being carried out with science journals where the most
current information in a field is what the user needs.

In the future, it may be that we keep current year only of the print
where we receive print + online, but we are not there yet.

1) We keep the print issues.
2) We check them in manually in our kardex, but not in our ILS (we
don't use Voyager's acquisitions module, because it is much too clunky
for our relatively small number of print subscriptions).
3) We do not bind.

I hope this helps.

We have many electronic journals as well as print versions for many of

1.) We keep the print issues for most of the electronic journals we
subscribe to (if we originally subscribed to the print and later also
subscribed to the electronic version) but generally send the volumes
more than 10 years old to storage.  Certain newspapers we discard on a
regular basis because they are available electronically and they take up
too much room to store.
2.) Yes
3.) Eventually, yes but due to budget cuts we try to limit our

Right now, we keep them, check them in and bind them.  In most cases,
these are situations where we have online access "free" by virtue of
print and there is no online  only version available.   Or, we cannot
get the online unbundled from the print and do not have permanent
archival access to the online version.

We aggressively try to acquire electronic only versions with perpetual
rights.  In the few cases where there is still not an option for e-only,
we change the mailing address for the print copy to Ebsco and they use
these issues to fill lost issues/claims.  We never see them and
obviously do not process them.

We keep the print issues, we check them in, and most are boxed not
bound (only some core journals are bound).

The answers are yes, yes and yes (if they are ones we bind anyway).
That said, we are an unusual library since we're a membership
organization and do postal loans and photocopies on behalf of our
members, not all of whom have internet access and we can't provide
offsite access for our Corporate Affiliates. Disposing of the print
isn't a practical
proposition for us. This is also the first year we've been able to
provide offsite access for our members, so we're still seeing how well
it works.

The answer to all 3 questions is Yes.

At our institution, the default policy (bar for Art and Archaeology
journals and newsmagazines) is to select the strictly electronic option,
provided that there is an adequate guarantee of post-cancellation access
(via JSTOR, Portico, or a licensing agreement with a particular
publisher).  Hence, titles received in print and electronic format are
not treated differently than titles received strictly in print, because
the electronic access in these cases is considered insecure.   We bind
selectively.  The criteria for binding have changed quite a bit over the
years in accordance with institutional priorities and differ between the
main library and the branch library.  Generally, physical format is at
this time the key consideration.  If something can stand up on the shelf
like a paperback book, we seldom (if ever) send it to the bindery.  All
print issues are checked in bar daily newspapers.  At our main library,
we also code most titles on arrival; they are placed on the current
periodicals display until the year or bibliographic volume of which they
are a part is superceded, at which time they are placed in our onsite
automated storage.  A selection of titles are stored in archival boxes
or are sent to the bindery, so are not coded.  At our branch, there is
no current display and all pieces are coded on arrival.

Library Type:  Medical

Of course there are always specific exceptions, However:
1.  Keep the print issues for that journal
YES.  If we are NOT guaranteed access to the electronic (ie. Available
on our LOCKSS system ; Part of PubMed Central ; JSTOR etc)

2. If you keep the issues, do you check them it?
YES.  We do check them in.  As a state Institution, when audited, we
have to show something for having used state funds for the
subscriptions.   (Check the Serialist Archives for Issue Checkin.
Others have explained it more eloquently than I)

3. If you keep the issues, so you bind them?
YES to Bind: (In most Cases)
Extreme Example.  Diabetes  Starting with the July 2008 issue, issues
will be archived on PubMed Central and be available after a 12 months

2009 Price:
Print + online to 5 IP specific addresses (workstations) =3D $ 709.00
Site wide access is available (no print issues included) 3D at $1695

If you are scrambling to save money to buy as much as you can which
would you chose?

NO to Bind:  Examples
PNAS Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences   This title is
free without registration after a 6 months embargo.  The title is also
available on PubMed Central.  2009 Print Only price $ 2,095.00    Online
Only $ 2,400.00.   Difference of $ 305.00. Last year the difference was
much greater.

Titles are guaranteed accessible on PubMed Central after time period
AND there is NO Online only rates.

Journal of the Amer. Med. Informatics Ass. (Embargo: 12 m.) PubMed
Genes & development Free after  6 m. Tier 3 Genome Research Free after
6 m. Tier 3 American journal of pathology.  Free after 6 mo.

Just letting off some frustration so my weekend will be a little


1. Keep the print issues for that journal.
2. Check them in.
3. Bind them.

Having said that, we subscribed to 425+ titles in Y2K, but currently
receive 188, 42 of which are "Clinics" which already come bound.

Of the remaing 146 titles, I'd say we still bind half of them.

If the issues for a title are "thin", we bind.  "Thick", we don't.

Archives, BMJ, JBJS, JAMA, Lancet, Modern Healthcare, NEJM are examples
of "thin".

Arthritis & Rheumatism, Cancer, Clinical Orthopaedics, Journal of
Clinical Oncology are "thick".

I'd expect the Academic Health Sciences Resource Library of a public
University to still perform these traditional, archival services for
their region.

However, I understand the circumstances behind your question.

Woe to us for the upcoming New York State budget tsunami.

Good luck, Cindy.

Let me know what you decide.

We keep the current year + previous year issues of the print journals
and we do check them in.  We do not bind these issues since they're only
shelved for a short period.

We just receive print & online formats of those titles for which online
is included at no extra cost.

We do check in the print.  Although we have no hard and fast policy on
binding them, we have cut our bindery budget drastically, leaving us
binding very very few things - of necessity, those that we see as having
a long life on the shelves.

It depends on the journal. Most of our electronic subscriptions have a
year  or so embargo, so we keep the print until the electronic is
available. Things with lots of pictures, like Smithsonian, we keep on
the shelves and then bind. We keep the print for a while in almost every
case, because we have a traditional community and they prefer it. We
still check in everything, but I only claim issues of volumes that we

We have probably doubled the number of titles that are retained for a
limited period of time, such as 2 years, 3 years, 5 years, or 10 years
and we do not bind those titles.  We do check in all issues.  We've also
changed quite a few print + online subscriptions to online only.

Response to a response:

That is a great idea!! Thanks!  You could also changed the print
address to USBE if it's a title they'd want to receive.

Hi Cindy-

We aggressively try to acquire electronic only versions with perpetual
rights.  In the few cases where there is still not an option for e-only,
we change the mailing address for the print copy to Ebsco and they use
these issues to fill lost issues/claims.  We never see them and
obviously do not process them.

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