Voyager 7.0 and serials Ripley, Erika 29 Oct 2008 16:46 UTC

Our libraries recently upgraded to Voyager 7.0 and the Tomcat
interface.. We've encountered some real challenges, many of which impact
most directly the display of serials information in the catalog. Item
statuses are not displaying under some circumstances, and the OPAC
display of information in the 866 and 868 fields is erratic. The details
of these issues are fairly complex, but this should be enough to sound
familiar to anyone else who is in the same situation.

We're making heavy use of the Voyager discussion lists, but I wanted to
see if others on this list were facing these issues. If you are facing
(or have solved!) these issues, we'd like to hear from you. Off-list is
probably best for this one.

thank you, Erika
Erika Ripley

Periodicals Librarian
Central University Libraries
Southern Methodist University
P O Box 750375
Dallas, TX 75275-0375