Re: Serials cancellations/Facutly input Linda Wobbe 15 Oct 2008 21:07 UTC

Hi Carmel,

For our most recent cancellation project, we had a dollar target we
needed to meet. We "allocated" the target among programs to match their
percentage of periodicals expenditures. In other words, if Biology spent
10% of the periodicals budget, they had to cancel 10% of the
cancellation target amount.

We provided each department with their periodical titles, along with
prices. Data from recent usage studies were included. Availability
within electronic packages, both aggregator and publisher was included.
Subject librarians indicated which titles they thought could be
cancelled - generally low use titles that might also appear in an
electronic package. All communication was through the departmental
liaison and department chair.

Departments were given a deadline. If a department did not meet the
deadline for giving feedback, the subject librarians communicated their
final decision. This generated some negotiation over the specific title
list, which was resolved by generally accepting the department's

We compiled a list of the final cancellation titles, and sent that out
via email to the entire faculty list. I don't recall having many - in
fact maybe not any - complaints at that time.

Since every department shared the burden relatively equally, and there
was an understanding that periodical inflation was the culprit, we had
very few complaints. Indeed, we hoped the faculty would be lobbying the
administration for relief to the library budget. But, during this same
time period, the faculty were arguing for improved salaries and reduced
teaching loads, diverting their attention.

We allowed ourselves about a year to complete the project, and I think
it went very well.

Linda Wobbe

Carmel Yurochko wrote:

>Please excuse any cross-postings.
>Hello to all,
>I am asking for input regarding both print and online serials cancellations,
>and faculty input on cancellations.  Please feel free to respond to me off
>.         Does your institution cancel print/online serials solely based on
>library criteria, i.e. cost and use?
>.         Does your institution cancel print/online serials only after
>consulting with faculty?
>Is this done title-by-title or by discipline/schools?
>.         Does your institution publicize cancellation decisions ahead of
>the actual serials cancellation?
>If so, what is the outcome of critical responses?
>Thank you,
>Carmel Yurochko
>Carmel Yurochko
>Serials/Electronic Resources Librarian
>Psychology Dept. Liaison
>Gumberg Library
>Duquesne University
>600 Forbes Avenue
>Pittsburgh, PA 15282
> <>
>(412) 396-5233 / (412) 396-5639 fax
>"I am tired of words, let's have action." - Blessed Frederic Ozanam

Linda Wobbe
Head, Electronic Resources & Periodicals
Subject Selector for Biology, Chemistry,
Environmental Science, Health, Physics, Kinesiology
Saint Mary’s College Library
PO Box 4290, 1928 Saint Mary’s Road
Moraga, CA 94575-4290
ph (925) 631-4232  fx (925)376-6097