Re: Coverage loads - quality of data Chad Hutchens 14 Oct 2008 19:19 UTC

I agree...this is a big problem in a lot of ways.  There's a report out that
was done in the UK in 2007 I believe.  It's a very interesting read that
describes what is going on with this entire problem.

A very good read for those interested:

Chad Hutchens
Electronic Resources Librarian
University of Wyoming Libraries
Dept 3334, 1000 E University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071-20000
Ph: (307) 766-5560

> From: Lucy Wrightington <lxw08@HEALTH.STATE.NY.US>
> Reply-To: "SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum"
> Date: Tue, 14 Oct 2008 09:51:09 -0400
> To: "SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum" <SERIALST@LIST.UVM.EDU>
> Subject: Re: [SERIALST] Coverage loads - quality of data
> A huge and growing problem that no one so far seems able/willing to tackle.
> I report these to Ebsco A-to-Z all the time, but they are dependent on the
> publisher loads.
> Former titles are getting lost as they don't show up in the databases at
> all.
> Many publishers are guilty of this.
> Who's doing it right? Science Direct and PubMed Central to name a couple.
> They should be the accepted model.
> Any ideas would be welcome on how the library community can bring pressure
> to fix this.
> Lucy Wrightington, Senior Librarian
> Dickerman Library
> Wadsworth Center, N.Y. State Dept. of Health
> Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY 12201
>              "Stokes, Judith"
>              <JStokes@RIC.EDU>
>              Sent by:                                                   To
>              "SERIALST:                SERIALST@LIST.UVM.EDU
>              Serials in                                                 cc
>              Libraries
>              Discussion Forum"                                     Subject
>              <SERIALST@LIST.UV         Re: [SERIALST] Coverage loads -
>              M.EDU>                    quality of data
>              10/14/2008 09:39
>              AM
>              Please respond to
>                 "SERIALST:
>                 Serials in
>                  Libraries
>              Discussion Forum"
>              <SERIALST@LIST.UV
>                   M.EDU>
> When we find errors and report them to Serials Solutions they are
> cooperative -- enthusiastic, even, about getting it right. On the other
> hand, if the data comes from an aggregator like Proquest which does just
> what you reported -- lump all holdings under the current title and not even
> cross ref from the old title -- it will just keep coming in wrong over and
> over again. Getting the aggregators to change is a different story
> altogether. I've had no luck with that.
> Good luck,
> Judith Stokes
> Judith E. Stokes
> Serials/E-resources Librarian
> Rhode Island College
> 600 Mount Pleasant Avenue
> Providence, RI 02908-1991
> 401.456.8165
> -----Original Message-----
> From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum
> [] On Behalf Of Cahill, Helen
> Sent: Monday, October 13, 2008 8:08 PM
> Subject: [SERIALST] Coverage loads - quality of data
> Hello all,
> I wonder if there is anybody out there who has assessed the quality of data
> being offered by the coverage load vendors? I'm principally interested in
> Serials Solutions, Ebsco A-Z, and III's CASE product, but would also
> welcome comments on any others.
> Here is an example from the coverage loads for ACM: "SIGART bulletin" was
> published 1990-1998 with previous and later titles. There is (to my
> cataloguing mind) a problem over the coverage that is available from SS,
> EAZ and CASE: they list the coverage for SIGART bulletin to be 1970-1998,
> and don't have any listing for the previous title. I've looked in a few
> catalogues (randomly) and it seems to me that libraries are simply
> accepting that (wrong) coverage data. How do your patrons find the online
> version of "SIGART newsletter"?
> Has that bothered anybody out there enough to have attempted to get these
> vendors to properly match the coverage to the title runs? Or, are we so
> seriously understaffed world-wide that we can't either do the checking &
> correcting or pressure the vendors to produce accurate information? Has
> anybody ever offered to clean up the data offered by these vendors to
> benefit all others?
> I'm feeling like this is going to develop into one of those Publisher vs
> Vendor, IT vs Cataloguer debates, but I'm always mindful of what our
> library patrons want to see when they look on our OPACs.
> Thanks!
> Helen Cahill
> Cataloguer, Collection Services
> Massey University Library
> Private Bag 11054
> Palmerston North 4442
> Ph: + 64 6 350 5799 ext 7876
> Fax: + 64 6 350 5692
> emai:<>
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