Re: Journal for Specialists in Group Work (Full Text?)
Deborah Mouw 01 Oct 2008 11:56 UTC
It looks like Informaworld has content back to v.6
They usually sell access to their archive in subject collections
but you'd have to contact Informaworld for specific information on
this title.
Deborah Mouw
Electronic Resources Specialist
Technical Services Department
Waldo Library, Room 148
Western Michigan University
1903 W. Michigan Avenue
Kalamazoo, MI 49008-5353
(269) 387-5196
>>> Barbara Pope <bpope@PITTSTATE.EDU> 9/30/2008 4:39 PM >>>
Hello. We subscribe to Journal for Specialists in Group Work in
print and
have full text from March 1997-present. A faculty has asked about
full text farther back. The journal began publication in 1978.
anyone know where earlier full text is available? I have checked
Directory and tried calling the publisher's website. I could not
out from looking at the publisher's website if they have an
access option to their online access.
We have full text in the following sources:
EBSCOEJS 3/1997 - present
CINAHL with full text 3/2006-1 yr ago
I know it is also full text in SOCINDEX (EBSCO) from 2002-present.
Thank you.
Barbara Pope, MALS
Periodicals/Reference Librarian
Axe Library
Pittsburg State University
Pittsburg KS 66762