Early Bird Registration Extended for NISO Collaborative Library Resource Sharing Forum
Cynthia Hodgson 16 Sep 2008 15:08 UTC
Early bird discounted registration for the NISO forum, “Collaborative
Library Resource Sharing: Standards, Developments, and New Models for
Cooperating,” has been extended to September 26. Be sure to register by
then to take advantage of the substantial discounts. NISO members are
eligible for additional discounts.
This two-day event will take place on October 6-7, 2008 in the Georgia
Tech Global Learning Center in Atlanta. One-day registration is also
The forum will focus on areas where collaborative effort and standards
can help improve library efficiency through resource sharing. This
includes the areas of interlibrary loan, physical resource management,
collaborative storage and preservation, and related open source
The speakers and topics for the forum are:
** Opening Keynote: Matt Goldner (OCLC)
** The Current Resource Sharing Environment: Margaret Ellingson (Emory
** Union Lists in Support of Resource Sharing: Cecelia Boone (MINITEX)
** Moving Mountains: The Status of Library Physical Delivery Services:
Valerie Horton (Colorado Library Consortium)
** Resource Sharing Standards Update: NCIP Revision and ISO ILL: Paula
Kelsall (Library & Archives Canada) and Rob Walsh (EnvisionWare)
** New Services Models: Cyril Oberlander (SUNY Geneseo)
** Rethinking Resource Sharing: Gail Wanner (SirsiDynix)
** Digitization and the Open Content Alliance – A New Approach to
Resource Sharing: Evan Simpson (Brandeis University)
** How Many Copies Do We Need? Collaborative Collection Development in
the OhioLINK Consortium: Julia Gammon (University of Akron Libraries and
University of Akron Press)
** Open Source Resource Sharing Systems: Clare MacKeigan (Relais
** Library Applications of Open Source: Evergreen and Georgia Library
PINES: Elizabeth McKinney and Julie Walker (Georgia Public Library Service)
** Removing What Gets in the Way of Work: Improving Library Workflow
Efficiencies: Adam Wathen (Kansas State University Libraries)
** Vendor Roundtable: System Interoperability: Marshall Breeding,
moderator (Vanderbilt University), Tom Jacobson ( Innovative Interfaces,
Inc.), Ted Koppel, (Auto-Graphics), Clare MacKeigan (Relais
International), Genie Powell (Atlas Systems, Inc.), Rob Walsh
(EnvisionWare), and Gail Wanner (SirsiDynix).
If you are looking for ways to reduce costs and improve efficiency
through collaborative resource sharing, you won't want to miss this
seminar. Visit the event webpage
(http://www.niso.org/news/events/2008/resshar08/) for the agenda, hotel
information, and to register.
This message was cross-posted.
Cynthia Hodgson
NISO Technical Editor Consultant
National Information Standards Organization
Email: chodgson@niso.org
Phone: 301-654-2512