Re: Wording for journal cancellation survey Brooke Ward 11 Sep 2008 12:25 UTC

Our library approaches this as Kristen said-- giving the option to keep,
cancel print, or cancel print ONLY if there is an online counterpart.

Brooke Ward
Librarian, Florida College

-----Original Message-----
From: Kristen Fredericksen [mailto:FrederiK@CUA.EDU]
Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 4:57 PM
Subject: Re: Wording for journal cancellation survey

Hi Lee Ann,
    We went about recent cancellations by decision: keep, cancel print,
cancel. The cancel print option means that we will switch a print +
online title to online only. That is usually a cost-saver.


> We're getting ready to send out
> an online survey to our faculty
> members asking for their assistance
> in determining which titles we
> should keep/cancel from a specific
> publisher.
> We want to keep this simple and not
> give responders too many options
> for their answers.  We're thinking
> about giving them the choices
> (for each title) of:
> _ Critical
> _ Neutral
> _ Cancel
> Has anyone else surveyed their users
> recently or have any suggestions for
> wording?
> Thank you,
> Lee Ann Howlett
> ____________________________________
> Lee Ann Howlett, MA, AHIP
> Head, Serials Dept.
> Shimberg Health Sciences Library
> University of South Florida
> 12901 Bruce B. Downs Blvd., MDC 31
> Tampa, FL  33612
> (813) 974-9080
> Fax (813) 974-7032


Kristen Fredericksen
Head of Information Processing
Serials/Fast Track Processing
Mullen Library 012
The Catholic University of America
Washington, DC 20064-0001
Phone: 202-319-5073
Fax: 202-319-4181