Re: Cataloging a flash drive Tracey Thompson 22 Sep 2008 21:19 UTC


We received the same flash drive, and I am still trying to decide what to do
with it.  I think our option will be if we decide we need it to print, bind,
and catalog.  The problem with putting the flash drive in circulation is
protecting the files and keeping patrons from adding additional files to the
flash drive.  Is it possible to write protect a flash drive?  The other
option that somebody mentioned of putting them on the server would be great,
but we don't have a way to access those files.  Our tech people have not set
that up though I wonder if you add the hyper link to the marc if that would
work.  Hmmm...

Tracey Thompson
Acquisitions Librarian, Assistant Professor
Library Liaison for Aerospace, Computer Science,
Mathematics, & Military Science
New Mexico State University Library
MSC 3475 P.O. Box 30006
Las Cruces, NM 88003-8006
(p) 575-646-8093
(f) 575-646-7477

-----Original Message-----
From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum
[] On Behalf Of Kappmeyer, Lori O [LIB]
Sent: Monday, September 22, 2008 12:45 PM
Subject: [SERIALST] Cataloging a flash drive

Recently we received a flash drive that came on our subscription to the
Journal of Great Lakes Research.  The flash drive contains two pdf
files, one for the abstracts and one for the program of the 51st annual
Conference on Great Lakes Research in May 2008.  A half-sheet of paper
accompanying the flash drive said that this was a "green initiative" to
reduce paper at the annual conference.  Up until now, the program and
abstracts have been published in paper.  In the recent past, we have
cataloged the program as a serial and the abstracts as another serial.

We think we will be keeping the flash drive and housing it in our media
collection with other kinds of accompanying software.  Has anyone ever
cataloged a flash drive, or do you have any suggestions for how to do
it?  As an alternative, someone suggested we could print off the PDFs
and catalog and bind them.  What would you do?

Thanks for any advice!

Lori Osmus Kappmeyer

Head, Cataloging & Metadata Department

Iowa State University Library

Ames, IA 50011