Ouch ... ow ow ow ... I forgot all about AP!
Thank you!
- Hank
-----Original Message-----
From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum
[mailto:SERIALST@LIST.UVM.EDU] On Behalf Of Carol H Jewell
Sent: Friday, August 08, 2008 2:30 PM
Subject: Re: [SERIALST] Academic journal of unknown scope
How about in AP?
Carol H. Jewell
Instructional Support Technician
University Libraries, LI-B35
University at Albany, State University of New York
1400 Washington Ave.
Albany, NY. 12222
-----Original Message-----
From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum
[mailto:SERIALST@LIST.UVM.EDU] On Behalf Of Hank Young
Sent: Friday, August 08, 2008 1:36 PM
Subject: Re: [SERIALST] Academic journal of unknown scope
Hi John and fellow Serialits,
More information:
The title is Venezuelan Journal of Academic Affairs, Vol. 1, no.
1 2008, published twice a year by Universidad Central de Venezuela. I
do not think there is an electronic equivalent, they do not mention one
in the piece anywhere.
Will it flourish? I recall reading in Hugh Heffner's
unauthorized autobiography how the hardest issue of Playboy to publish
was v.1, no.2 and after that, everything fell into place.
Our Latin American selector wants it cataloged, right now I'm
thinking of either the Ls (LE76.C37-.C46) or the AS's, but it isn't a
learned society ....
My apologies for being vague.
- Hank
-----Original Message-----
From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum
[mailto:SERIALST@LIST.UVM.EDU] On Behalf Of John Lucas
Sent: Friday, August 08, 2008 11:18 AM
Subject: Re: [SERIALST] Academic journal of unknown scope
Hello Hank,
Just some thoughts.
On the website, is there a link to its "Aims and Scope" "About the
journal" or something similiar? From the limited description it does
not sound like it has a defined one. You say ambiguous. If so, I would
hesitate to add it to any E-journal list. Do you feel that it will
'gain popularity'? Check for a list of reviewers? What is the specific
title? Possibly others out here can take a look and advise further.
You mentioned 'the Institution'. If it is being sponsored by that
institution then you should be alble to use it as a subject or
With Best Regards,
John Lucas
Serials Librarian
University of Mississippi Medical Center
2500 North State St
Jackson, MS 39216-4505
(PH) (601) 984-1277
(FAX) ( 601) 984-4569
>>> Hank Young <WilYoun@UFLIB.UFL.EDU> 8/8/2008 8:48 AM >>>
Dear Serialists,
I am cataloging a journal from Venezuela which is rather
ambiguous in scope, I have the first issue in hand and in it are 4
articles, one on the politico-economic and social future of Venezuela,
one on access to higher education in India, one on "the predatory state"
(author from Sweden), and one on education in Canada. The guidelines
for submission and call to papers specify topics should be of academic
interest, but does not specify a topic, only that they should be in
English with a Spanish abstract.
I don't feel comfortable using the institution as a subject,
or even Venezuela as a geographic qualifier. I suspect that as this
journal gains popularity it will narrow its focus and I know they are
hoping to draw more authors from the publishing institution, but for
now, what do I do about a subject and call number? We classify all our
periodicals by LC call number rather than shelving by title.
Any thoughts? Ideas? I don't want to consign this to the
backlog until another issue comes out (in 6 months).
- Hank Young
William C. (Hank) Young
Cataloging & Metadata Dept.
Smather's Libraries
University of Florida
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