Re: Reference Librarian online Tracey Thompson 29 Aug 2008 14:25 UTC


We also do not have access to the 2008 publications.  Publication of several
2008 Haworth titles are behind schedule.  Here is a link with information.  It would be very nice if they gave us credit
since the current issues have not been available online.

Tracey Thompson
Acquisitions Librarian
New Mexico State University Library
MSC 3475 P.O. Box 30006
Las Cruces, NM 88003-8006
(p) 575-646-8093
(f) 575-646-7477

-----Original Message-----
From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum
[] On Behalf Of Skwor, Jeanette
Sent: Friday, August 29, 2008 7:46 AM
Subject: [SERIALST] Reference Librarian online

Would someone who subscribes to this title online please tell me if they
have access to any 2008 issues yet?  The newest issue we show is v. 47,
issue 98, 2007.

We have not yet been billed for our 2008 access, but our vendor assures us
they have paid Haworth.


Jeanette L. Skwor
Serials Dept., Cofrin Library
University of WI-Green Bay
2420 Nicolet Drive
Green Bay, WI  54311-7003
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