Re: Libraries Moving Towards E-Only Access Karen Tschanz 11 Jul 2008 21:38 UTC

Hi, Karen:

This topic also interests us. Please post summary of replies to the list. Thanks! kst

Karen S. Tschanz,  M.L.S., M.B.A., M.S.O.D.
Asst. Prof./Chair, Content Management
Robert B. Greenblatt, M.D., Library, AB-241
Medical College of Georgia
1451 Laney-Walker Boulevard
Augusta, GA 30912
Phone: (706) 721-9912
Fax: (706) 721-6006

>>> "Yacobucci, Karen" <Karen_Yacobucci@NYMC.EDU> 07/11/2008 2:52 PM >>>
Dear Serialisters,

Just out of curiosity, I am wondering how many libraries out there have
dropped their entire print collections/subscriptions and gone E-only!

I am hearing about more and more libraries following this trend and was
wondering how it has worked out for them and why they decided to make
that move.  Thanks!!  I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Karen Yacobucci, MLS
Serials Librarian
New York Medical College
Health Sciences Library
95 Grasslands Road
Valhalla, NY 10595

Tel. 914.594.4213