Re: Blackwell Titles on Wiley Susan Davis 07 Jul 2008 21:39 UTC

I suspect that there is no Synergy platform to bring back, although you
would have thought the bright folks at Wiley would have considered timing
the transfer so they would have Synergy to fall back on should things go
wrong. We kept a snapshot of our old ILS up for six months when we
switched.  It was a great help.

Why can't/won't Wiley simply open up the Blackwell journals while the
problems are being worked out? After all the emails sent to us ahead of
time indicated that our access rights would transfer over smoothly.  Since
they haven't, wouldn't it be nice to see Wiley show libraries just how
important our business is to them?  It's been a week now and no end in
sight.  Or is Wiley enjoying seeing how much we all need/use their product?
Sorry, the last bit was quite facetious, but frustration is growing.

I signed off of Serialst last week while at ALA, but I would hope that
someone from Wiley is planning (or has already done so) to send an official
explanation of what happened and what is being done to rectify this
unacceptable situation.

Thank you,


Susan Davis
Electronic Resources Acquisitions Librarian
University at Buffalo (SUNY)
134 Lockwood Library
Buffalo, NY  14260-2210
(716) 645-2784
(716) 645-5955 fax

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--On Monday, July 07, 2008 1:47 PM -0700 "Hoyte, Daniel"
<hoyte@CHAPMAN.EDU> wrote:

> My Serials librarian wonders out loud, "Why won't Wiley just bring up
> the Synergy platform while they work out the issues on the Wiley
> platform?"
> Daniel Hoyte
> Senior Systems Technician
> Chapman University Leatherby Libraries
> (714) 532-7745
> AIM/Yahoo IM: chaphoyte
> /(bb|[^b]{2})/ that is the Question
> -----Original Message-----
> From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum
> [] On Behalf Of David Sayers
> Sent: Thursday, July 03, 2008 3:32 PM
> Subject: Re: [SERIALST] Blackwell Titles on Wiley
> Well, while we are having linking problems as well, the main issue we're
> concerned about is access. Even when you get to the new journal page on
> Wiley for a subscribed title, it still won't let our patrons view the
> full text content.
> David
> ________________________________
> From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum on behalf of
> Glasson, Patricia A
> Sent: Thu 7/3/2008 1:04 PM
> Subject: Re: [SERIALST] Blackwell Titles on Wiley
> David and Andree,
> Yes, we're having problems, too. Here's what our ERM person said this
> morning about the problem: "Wiley is still trying to resolve linking
> problems for the Blackwell content. We have received a temporary
> solution from Ex Libris for the e-Journal Finder A-Z list." It's not a
> complete fix, though, as I understand it. We're a Voyager library.
> Patty Glasson
> Serials Cataloging Specialist
> Purdue University
> 765-494-2811
> -----Original Message-----
> From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum
> [] On Behalf Of David Sayers
> Sent: Thursday, July 03, 2008 2:47 PM
> Subject: [SERIALST] Blackwell Titles on Wiley
> Has anyone else been experiencing access problems with the Blackwell
> titles that got moved over to Wiley over the weekend?  We've been unable
> to access any of the 100 plus Blackwell titles we subscribe to.  I've
> called and confirmed our IP ranges, but we're still asked to log-in
> whenever we click on a PDF link.  I've been told repeatedly that they're
> working on the problem, but I haven't seen any progress yet.  I guess
> I'd feel better if I knew I wasn't alone.  Anyone?
> David Sayers
> Electronic Serials Assistant
> Oregon Health & Science University Library
> (503)494-0484