Journal of experimental psychology--v.3 1920 (Eleanor Cook)
Ercelawn, Ann 07 Jul 2008 20:13 UTC
Please reply directly to Eleanor <>, not to Serialst.
Thanks. - ed.
Do you have an original of v.3 1920 of Journal of experimental
Eleanor Cook <>
Mon, 07 Jul 2008 15:36:14 -0400
Dear Serialist colleagues,
A professor here at App State is doing some research that involves a
classical experiment that was first conducted shortly after WW I and he
has an intriguing question for which he needs an answer. He is trying to
determine when v.3, no.1, 1920 of the Journal of Experiemental
was <actually received> by subscribers. We KNOW that v.3, issue 1 was
<issued> with the date of Feb. 1920. However, his theory is that the
journal was actually received by people quite a bit later, since the
publication was suspended during the war. The only way of gathering
proof of this is to examine a physical copy of this issue as it was
received. We all know that there could property stamps or accession
marks on original pieces. Unfortunately, App State's run from this
period is a reprint version, so we can't help him.
If your library happens to have an original edition with such markings,
and you don't mind taking a field trip to the compact storage unit or
the basement
stacks or where ever this might be kept and then letting me know if you
find such evidence, it would be greatly appreciated.
Who says print is dead? Sometimes the artifact has interesting value we
don't anticipate!
Thanks to any and all who can help with this.
Eleanor Cook
Eleanor I. Cook
Professor & Intellectual Property
& Copyright Librarian
Belk Library, ASU Box 32026
Appalachian State University
Boone, NC 28608-2026
828-262-2773 (fax)