Seeking sources of information for periodicals -- list of issues published by year
Melinda Shedlarz 24 Jul 2008 17:26 UTC
Good afternoon all,
I am in the beginning stages of an inventory of the periodical collection in
the company library I manage. I would like to create detailed records of
our holdings, including volume and issue numbers for each serial. I know
that I could find this out by looking directly in each issue, but is there
somewhere else that I might find this information? Here is what I would
really like: a list by year of issues published for each periodical title I
have, including the corresponding volume and/or issue number for each item.
Is there anywhere where this information is gathered? I would so love it if
there was, but I am not too hopeful.
Thanks in advance,
Yours truly,
Melinda J. Shedlarz