Re: Electronic Access to Haworth Press Journals Karen Chobot 18 Jul 2008 17:35 UTC

And here I thought all our problems would be solved once Haworth was taking
over by T&F.  What WAS I thinking?

Karen M. Chobot, MLS
Director, Mildred Johnson Library
North Dakota State College of Science
800 6th St. N.
Wahpeton ND 58076
See the new Library blog:

-----Original Message-----
From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum
[mailto:SERIALST@LIST.UVM.EDU] On Behalf Of Amira Aaron
Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2008 4:23 PM
Subject: Re: [SERIALST] Electronic Access to Haworth Press Journals

I absolutely agree that we should all contact T&F and also look at our
contracts and join Tracey in asking for a rebate.   It's totally
unacceptable that we are paying for access and not receiving it.  We
will certainly be evaulating these titles a lot more closely for
possible cancellation.  Publishers need to learn that they cannot take
our business for granted, that we are responsible financially to our
institutions and our patrons, and that we will demand the service that
we have contracted for.


Amira Aaron
Director for Information Resources
Brandeis University Library and
  Technology Services
415 South Street  MS045
Waltham, MA  02454
phone 781-736-4647
fax  781-736-4724

Tunender, Heather wrote:
> I've been complaining for several months now.  The Haworth interface is
awful.  I don't understand why T&F couldn't continue to provide access to
the Haworth titles within IngentaConnect until they were able to transition
them to Informaworld.  Instead, libraries will spend months dealing with
timing out and slow loading pages - I have timed them consistently at no
less than 5 minutes and up to 12 for an individual journal contents page to
load (occasionally, a page will take less than 5 minutes, but not often.)
The responses I have received from T&F technical support and our sales
representative indicate that they basically aren't going to do ANYTHING to
solve the Haworth interface problem.  Libraries will simply have to wait for
the journals to be transitioned to Informaworld in 2009 (maybe in Fall 2008
if all goes well.)  I don't think this is an acceptable situation --
especially when they had a viable alternative.
> We should all contact T&F and express our frustration.  Here is the
contact information for the Director of eJournals, Meg Walker, 215-625-8900, .
> --
> Heather Tunender
> Electronic Resources Librarian
> California State University, Fullerton
> 714.278.8467
> AIM: tunderbliss
> -----Original Message-----
> From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum
[] On Behalf Of Virginia Lingle
> Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2008 6:44 AM
> Subject: Re: [SERIALST] Electronic Access to Haworth Press Journals
> Hello,
> Yes, we called the parent company, Taylor and Francis, who indicated that
they were having problems with their server this week and hoped to have it
resolved soon.  No indication when.
> Virginia Lingle
> Virginia A. Lingle, M.S.L.S., AHIP
> Librarian for Collection Access and Development
> George T. Harrell Library - H127
> Penn State University College of Medicine
> Milton S. Hershey Medical Center
> 500 University Drive
> Hershey, PA  17033
> 717-531-8581 (voice)
> 717-531-8636 (fax)
> "Peace is seeing a sunset and knowing Who to thank.  The happiest people
don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the best of
everything they have." -- unknown
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