We have three newspapers where the current issues had the same problem
of disappearing. Two are local papers and the other is the Wall Street
Journal. The librarians decided to put the current 3 issues of the
local papers behind the staff desk and the current issue of the Wall
Street Journal. If a patron wants them, they must ask. The papers are
not checked out to the requesting patron. They are just housed behind
the desk and handed over when requested. There is signage on the stacks
to indicate where the current issues are. This has cut down on the
theft of those papers.
Rachel Hawes
Pierce Library
Eastern Oregon University
One University Blvd.
La Grande, OR 97850
Dieden, Cynthia wrote:
>Hello- I am looking for ideas on how to cut down on theft of newspapers. We do allow patrons to peruse the current and 3 months backfiles of newspapers without staff intervention, although current newspapers are in sight of several desk staff. Any thoughts on how we could secure the newspapers without cutting down on the availability? I'm more concerned about the current issues than the backfiles.
>Cynthia Dieden
>Collection Specialist Librarian/Periodicals Supervisor
>Mount Prospect Public Library
>847-253-5675 ext. 3647
>Opinions expressed are those of the sender and not of Mount Prospect Public Library