Here is our list:
Frequency Days to wait
daily 3
weekly 7
every 2 weeks 14
semi-monthly 14
monthly 30
every 2 months 45
quarterly 60
every 6 months 90
annual 90
less frequent than annual 120
every 2 or 3 years 180
Allow more days if you know that the title comes erratically.
For 2nd and all subsequent claims 60
Colleen E. Smith
Head of Technical Services
Albany Law School
Albany, New York
(518) 445-2341
>>> 05/11/08 11:00 PM >>>
There is 1 message totalling 29 lines in this issue.
Topics of the day:
1. Claim intervals
Date: Sun, 11 May 2008 08:06:08 -0500
From: "Bothmann, Robert L" < robert.bothmann@MNSU.EDU >
Subject: Claim intervals
Does anyone have a list/guidelines for claim intervals based on frequency t=
hey would be willing to share?
We want to create one, but if someone else already has something why reinve=
nt the wheel?
Many thanks,
Bobby Bothmann
Robert Bothmann
Electronic Access/Catalog Librarian
Associate Professor, Library Services
Minnesota State University, Mankato
P.O. Box 8419, ML3097
Mankato, MN 56001
Voice: 507-389-2010
Fax: 507-389-5155
End of SERIALST Digest - 9 May 2008 to 11 May 2008 (#2008-97)