Here are guidelines I received awhile back through the list and I find ithem helpful. Like any claiming process, some publishers reply and send the issue within a reasonable time and others require two or three reminders; some don't reply at all!
Publication Frequency--
Daily ------------------claim immediately
Weekly-----"----------3 to four days
Biweekly---"----------one night or until next issue arrives
Monthly----"----------14-21 days
Bi-monthly-"----------30 days
Quarterly-------------45 days
Tri-annual-"--------- 60 days
Semi-annual---------60 days
Annual--------------- 60-90 days
Less than one year-Depends on publishing history.
I hope this helps,
Anne McCaffrey
Advanced Senior Library Assistant
Library/Technical Services
extension 5024
fax 3374
>>> "Bothmann, Robert L" <robert.bothmann@MNSU.EDU> 05/11/08 9:06 AM >>>
Does anyone have a list/guidelines for claim intervals based on frequency they would be willing to share?
We want to create one, but if someone else already has something why reinvent the wheel?
Many thanks,
Bobby Bothmann
Robert Bothmann
Electronic Access/Catalog Librarian
Associate Professor, Library Services
Minnesota State University, Mankato
P.O. Box 8419, ML3097
Mankato, MN 56001
Voice: 507-389-2010
Fax: 507-389-5155