IFLA Acq. and Coll. Dev. Committee representative wanted from ALCTS CMDS (short turnaround time)
Landesman, Betty (NIH/OD/ORS) [E] 07 May 2008 23:20 UTC
Please excuse cross-postings.
Wanted: ALCTS CMDS member to serve on the IFLA Standing Section
Committee on Acquisitions and Collection Development. Nominations to
this committee rotate between the Acquisitions Section and the
Collection Management and Development Section. An Acquisitions Section
member filled a vacant position on this committee in 2006, so this
vacancy is to be filled by a CMDS member. It is for a 4-year term,
running 2009-2013.
Please share as widely as possible with your committee members and other
colleagues. Also consider nominating yourself.
A nominee should be an expert in the field covered by the section and
have a working knowledge of at least one working language of IFLA
(English is an IFLA working language), and should have reasonable
expectation of attending meetings of the standing committee without cost
to IFLA or to ALA. ALA divisions and other units may seek outside
funding to support the attendance of their representatives.
The 2008 conference will be held in Quebec City, Canada and the 2009
conference will be held in Milan, Italy.
The ALA Executive Board requires that the suggestions for nominations be
accompanied by a resume and a rationale from the nominating body or
individual. If nominated, IFLA requires that the following be provided:
(a) An indication of acceptance of the nomination by the individual;
(b) A short statement detailing the nominee's qualifications and
indication of present position;
(c) Affirmation that the person can fulfill the working language and
travel requirements
Please send names to me on or before May 20, 2008. Contact information
Betty Landesman, M.A., M.L.S., M.S.
Chair, ALCTS Collection Management and Development Section
Head, Collection Management
National Institutes of Health Library
Building 10, Room B1L306
10 Center Drive, MSC1150
Bethesda, MD 20892-1150
Phone: 301-496-3527
Fax: 301-496-3702
E-mail: landesb@mail.nih.gov
http://nihlibrary.nih.gov/ <blocked::http://nihlibrary.nih.gov/>
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