Format of LCCNs in CONSER records?
Kay Teel 07 May 2008 18:00 UTC
My library is receiving SFX MARCit! records and they are supplying us
with CONSER records. In recent test loads, we noticed that there are
hyphens instead of spaces in the LCCN (010). We could find no
documentation online from CONSER or in the MARC21 Bibliographic
Format about this.
Please, can someone tell me if there has been a change to the way
LCCNs are formatted in 010? I need to know if the hyphens are correct or not.
Thank you! Your assistance is truly appreciated!
Kay Teel
Serials Catalog Librarian and Cataloger for the Arts
Stanford University Libraries and Academic Information Resources
Phone: (650) 724-7346