Re: Ingentaconnect problems? Barbara Pope 23 Apr 2008 14:58 UTC

My problem with Ingenta is not anything to do with connection, but they
do not have very good customer service or technical support.  If I try
to set up an account with them and enter my ip addresses (which I got
from our systems department), they tell me my ip addresses are incorrect
and that I have to put in different ones.  It's not as if I typed them
in incorrectly.  I copy and paste them from somewhere else.  They are
the same ips we use for all of our products, but ingenta says they are
wrong.  I eventually gave up and won't even set up online access if it
is coming from ingenta.

Barbara Pope, MALS
Periodicals/Reference Librarian
Axe Library
Pittsburg State University
Pittsburg KS  66762

Christina Torbert wrote:
> The problem at Ingenta seems to have corrected itself.
> Christina Torbert
> x7059
> -----Original Message-----
> From: SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum
> [] On Behalf Of Christina Torbert
> Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2008 1:45 PM
> Subject: [SERIALST] Ingentaconnect problems?
> Are any other libraries having trouble accessing Ingentaconnect today
> (Tuesday, April 22, 2008)?  Has anyone heard from them about connection
> issues?
> We are experiencing repeated "Page Not Found" messages.
> Thank you.
> Christina Torbert
> Head of Serials & Assistant Professor
> J.D. Williams Library
> University of Mississippi
> 662-915-7059
> 662-915-6744 fax