Profile: Magazin ü̈ber Architektur 05
Kristen Fredericksen 11 Apr 2008 14:57 UTC
Hi everyone,
We're puzzling over this issue we got in Oct. 2007. It's called
"Profile" and the cover also says "Magazin über Architektur 05." It's
published by Schüco: We think it may have come
with the journal "Detail : Zeitschrift für Architektur & Baudetail &
Einrichtung." Did anyone else receive them together? If so, did you bind
Profile with Detail or did you treat it as a promotional sample? If you
didn't receive them together, where did Profile come from?
Kristen Fredericksen
Acting Head of Serials
Mullen Library, Serials Department
The Catholic University of America
Washington, DC 20064-0001
Phone: 202-319-5073
Fax: 202-319-4181