ALA Anaheim 2008: Call for Speakers - ALCTS CCS Cataloging Norms Discussion Group Birdie MacLennan 10 Apr 2008 13:09 UTC

Please excuse cross-posting.
The ALCTS CCS Cataloging Norms Discussion Group invites speakers for its
meeting at the ALA Annual Conference in Anaheim, CA, Saturday, June
28, 2008 from 1:30 p.m.-3:30 p.m. Presentation topics should be of
current interest to catalogers, cataloging managers and administrators.

Possible topics include, but are not limited to: evolution,
definition, and functions of the catalog and cataloging norms;
emerging concepts and implementations of "next generation" catalogs;
RDA; FRBR; cataloging in hybrid and digital libraries; changes in
basic cataloging work and catalogers' responsibilities; changes in
catalogers' workflows; emerging perceptions of cataloging quality; how
end users' expectations and behaviors affect cataloging norms;
metadata records and elements in different contexts; and the impact of
web norms on cataloging norms from the perspectives of web developers
and catalogers.

Presentations should be approximately 15-20 minutes in length. Time
will be allowed for questions and answers. Speakers are encouraged to
lead discussions.

Please send abstracts of proposals to co-chairs:
   Tatiana Barr [Catalog Librarian, Catalog and Metadata Services, Yale
University Library. E-mail:] or
   Lihong Zhu [Head, Bibliographic Control Dept., Washington State
University Libraries. E-mail:]
by May 9, 2008.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Birdie MacLennan, Vice co-chair
ALCTS CCS Cataloging Norms Discussion Group

           Birdie MacLennan
           Bailey/Howe Library            E-mail:
           University of Vermont           AIM/IM:   birdieatbailey
           538 Main Street                  Phone:   802-656-2016
           Burlington, VT  05405, USA         Fax:   802-656-4038
       Library Associate Professor ; Coordinator, Serials & Cataloging
                  Interim Head, Collection Management Services