Re: Check-in law updates?
Anne McCaffrey 09 Apr 2008 12:28 UTC
Good Morning, Kelly,
Here at Dowling College we check in loose leaf supplements and file them in binders which have an item record and a barcode.
Have a good day,
Anne McCaffrey
Advanced Senior Library Assistant
Library/Technical Services
extension 5024
fax 3374
>>> "Smith2, Kelly" <Kelly.Smith2@EKU.EDU> 04/08/08 12:25 PM >>>
I know there's been much debate in the profession about whether or not to check-in serials in general. What about ephemeral law materials (updates and/or supplements that will eventually be replaced by bound versions)? Is this common practice? Have most libraries stopped checking in this kind of stuff?
Kelly A. Smith
Continuing Resources Team Leader
Eastern Kentucky University Libraries
Richmond, KY 40475